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Join us for the GFGF action days, 1-31 October!

Tell us what you are planning to do to raise awareness on sustainable food systems. 

We have some budget available to support your actions. 

subjectGood Food Good Farming Action Days 2023
destinationAdvocacy Results

#000000#ffffff#B20000General information

50%Name and surnameName50%EmailEmail50%Where (in which country, city, village) are you planning to carry out the campaign? Please name your city and countryCity and country50%Are you part of a Slow Food group? If yes, please name it: Slow Food Group

#000000#ffffff#B20000The Good Food Good Farming Action

50%What is the action's title? Action's title

50%What is the expected date of your action?Date50%Please describe the activities you are thinking of organizing:Description of activities

50%What is the expected date of your action?Date

50%What impact do you expect/hope for as a result of your action? Impact

NoYesfalse3Did you find the program interesting?falsefalsefalseNo---50%interestYesBetter access to local Slow Food groups or events, e.g., farmers’ marketsMore Slow Food actions in that I can join, e.g., campaigns and petitionsPlease select all that applyOthers – please explainMore information from Slow Foodfalsefalse5How can Slow Food better support you to make positive changes in regards to the protein transition?falsefalsefalsetrueBetter access to local Slow Food groups or events, e.g., farmers’ marketsMore Slow Food actions in that I can join, e.g., campaigns and petitions---Others – please explain50%Positive changesMore information from Slow Foodfalse

mediumField---pocomoltofalse3What outcome and impact do you expect as a result of your action?falsefalsefalsepoco---50%Impactmoltofalse

mediumField---NoYesfalse3The theme for this program was "Protein transition towards agroecology". Was this a reason that made you apply?falsefalsefalseNo---50%ThemeYesfalse

mediumField---NoYesfalse3Was the theme clearly expressed?falsefalsefalseNo---50%Theme expressedYesfalse

mediumField---NoYesfalse3Was it relevant to your interests? falsefalsefalseNo---50%Theme interestYesfalse

mediumFieldLearning more on the topicBusiness opportunitiesPersonal DevelopmentPlease select all that applyOther please specifyNetworkingfalsefalse5What was your main objective for taking part in the event?falsefalsefalsetrueBusiness opportunitiesPersonal DevelopmentLearning more on the topicOther (please specify)50%ReasonNetworkingfalse

mediumFieldBiodiversityNot sureAdvocacyEducationfalsefalse4Which thematic session have you attended?falsefalsefalseNot sureAdvocacyBiodiversity50%PillarEducationfalse

mediumField---Not reallyI learnt some new thingsNot at allYes, I learnt a lotfalsefalse5Have you learnt something new in relation to reshaping our food systems?falsefalsefalsefalseNot reallyI learnt some new things---Not at all50%LearningYes, I learnt a lotfalse

mediumField---Possibly ProbablyNoYes, definitelyfalsefalse5Are you more likely to take action or make changes due to something you learnt during the training?falsefalsefalsefalsePossibly Probably---No50%ActionYes, definitelyfalse

mediumField---PossiblyProbablyNo ideaYesfalsefalse5If you wanted to take action regarding how to regenerate our food systems, would you know how to do so?falsefalsefalsefalsePossiblyProbably---No idea50%Action howYesfalse

mediumField---Better access to local Slow Food groups or events, e.g., farmers’ marketsMore Slow Food actions in that I can join, e.g., campaigns and petitionsPlease select all that applyOthers – please explainMore information from Slow Foodfalsefalse5How can Slow Food better support you to make positive changes in regards to the protein transition?falsefalsefalsetrueBetter access to local Slow Food groups or events, e.g., farmers’ marketsMore Slow Food actions in that I can join, e.g., campaigns and petitions---Others – please explain50%Positive changesMore information from Slow Foodfalse

50%Please specifyOther maybe

50%Please specifyOther positive changes

mediumField---NoMaybeYesfalsefalse4Are you more likely to support Slow Food and its initiatives following this training?falsefalsefalseNoMaybe---50%Support SFYesfalse

mediumField---NoYesI don't knowfalsefalse4Is this the first time you have attended a Slow Food training?falsefalsefalseNoYes---50%First time SF eventI don't knowfalse

mediumField---NoYesfalse3Are you already actively involved in Slow Food? falsefalsefalseNo---50%Involved in SFYesfalse

mediumField---NoMaybeYesfalsefalse4Would you like to be more actively involved in Slow Food? falsefalsefalseNoMaybe---50%Involvement intentYesfalse

mediumField---Set up a Slow Food communityJoin a local Slow Food communityPlease select all that applyDonateStay in touch by signing up for updates and newsfalsefalse5If yes, on which topics?falsefalsefalsetrueSet up a Slow Food communityJoin a local Slow Food community---Donate50%How involvedStay in touch by signing up for updates and newsfalse

mediumField---More activity local to me that I could joinPlease select all that applyfalseOther - please specifyfalsefalsefalseMore evidence from Slow Food about the impacts of its workOther - please specify---More online activity that I could join, eg, workshops, campaigns, etc..50%More evidence from Slow Food about the impacts of its workMore online activity that I could join, eg, workshops, campaigns, etc..More information from Slow Food about its workfalse6If maybe, what might make you want to become involved?trueMore activity local to me that I could joinMaybe involvedMore information from Slow Food about its workfalsefalse

50%Please specifyOther maybe


Your data are processed in accordance with the GDPR and according to the privacy policy that the data controller has made available at the link with specific regard to the chapter " PARTICIPANTS IN SURVEYS, EVALUATION AND CAMPAIGN SIGNATORIES". 

falsedeclares that he/she has read and understood the privacy policy and that he/she does not object to the processing provided therein.Declare50%Privacy declarationtrue1By completing and submitting the questionnaire, the interested partyfalse

falsefalseCONSENTS to the processing of his/her personal data for the purposes of sending the Slow Food association newsletterAgree50%PrivacyNot agreetrueDOESN'T CONSENT to the processing of his/her personal data for the purposes of sending the Slow Food association newsletter2With specific regard to the chapter "RECIPIENTS OF THE NEWSLETTER CONTENTS OF AN ASSOCIATION TYPE" the interested party declares that he or shefalse

How involvedPositive changesMaybefalseShowfalsefalsefalseOther positive changesThemeOthers – please explainYesShowShowTheme interestYesOther maybeShowfalse6ThemeShowMaybe involvedfalseTheme expressedMaybe involvedInvolvement intentYesOther - please specifyfalseInvolvement intentfalseShow