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F3 - Monitoring questionnaire to measure Community Gardens’ impact at household level

Slow Food Monitoring and Evaluation System

for the Gardens Project in Africa


This form has the purpose of capturing and measuring the results, or immediate changes, and the impacts, or longer-term changes, of Community Gardens on member households. Changes are assessed by comparing a few indicators of household’s conditions ‘before and after’ its participation in the Community Garden, based on household members’ memory.  

This information will contribute learning and evidence to Slow Food and its partners about the contribution of the Gardens in Africa programme to the improvements of participants’ livelihoods. 


How to select the Gardens and the households where to apply the F3 form 

The form will be used during interviews to be carried out once per year in a number of ‘representative gardens’ and randomly selected households that are members of the selected gardens.  

By ‘representative garden’ is intended a Community Garden that, according to your knowledge of the area, broadly represents all other Gardens in a given district/county/area, based on the crops grown in the gardens, the number of members, the agroecological practices used and the challenges faced in managing the garden. If possible, the F3 form should be applied in at least 30% of the Community Gardens in each country.  

Once the ‘representative gardens’ have been identified, please select randomly 30% of the total number of households that are members of those gardens. An easy way to choose randomly is to get a complete list of the households, and select every third one. If the number of member households is below 10, please interview at least 3 households, that better represent all others in terms of number of household members and level of income. If possible, at least one of the selected households should have developed its own agroecological garden after becoming member of the Community Garden.  

Every year different Gardens, and households, should be selected to apply the F3 form, unless otherwise requested by SFI. 


Interview organization 

Interviews should take place with the household member/s who is/are member/s of the Community Garden and if possible, with the Household Head. Please reassure participants that information will be used in a confidential manner. Experience so far indicates that each interview will approximately take 30 minutes. 

Before each interview, the SF Gardens Coordinator or the Garden Manager will assign a code to the household (to be reported in Question 4 below), developed as follows: the Slow Food Garden Code, a progressive number for each household and the ongoing year (e.g., 16200/01/2023). The code will be used to allow maintaining confidentiality about the households when entering the data in the Confluence-based system. 

ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations Control
registrationMessageThanks for your help

#5a9541#ffffff#5a9541General informations









#5a9541#ffffff#5a9541The household

Please provide the requested information about the household composition and profile at the time of the interview 

Household size

Please tick all the options below, as appropriate, about thenumber of household members- by age and gender at the time of the interview 

Adult woman/women (36 years old or above)


Young woman/women (16 to 35 years old)


Female children (15 years old or younger)


Adult man/men (36 years old or above)


Young man/men (16 to 35 years old)


Male children (15 years old or younger)


Person/s living with disability/ies


Gender and age of the Household Head 

Please tick all the options below, as appropriate, about the gender and age of the Household Head  

The household head is female (e.g., widow) 


The household head is male 


The household head is 35 years old or younger 


The household head is 36 years old or above 


Professional occupation of the Household Head 

Please tick all the options below, as appropriate, concerning the main professional occupation of the Household Head  

His/her main sector of work is Agriculture 


His/her main sector of work is Livestock 


His/her main sector of work is Fisheries 


His/her main sector of work is Beekeeping 


He/she mostly manages an Informal business  


He/she mostly manages a Formal business (e.g., shop) 


He/she is an employee in the Public or private sector 


His/her main sector of work is another one 


Household members’ participation in the Community Garden 

Please tick all the options below, as appropriate, to indicate which household member/s regularly work/s in the Community Garden. 

Household Head 


Adult woman/women, 36 years or above 


Young woman/women, 16 to 35 years 


Adult man/men, 36 years or above 


Young man/men, 26 to 35 years 


Children, during school holidays 


Please add any comment considered useful about the profile of the Household Head and the work of the household member/s in the Community Garden


Main sources of household’s income 

Please tick all the options below, as appropriate, to indicatea maximum of 3 main sources of income of the household

Agriculture (crops growing) 


Vegetable gardening 


Raising livestock (e.g., cattle, goats, sheep, chicken, rabbits, etc.) 


Fisheries and/or aquaculture 




Informal business 


Formal business (e.g., shop) 


Employment in the public or private sector 




Please add any comment considered useful on the main sources of income of the household  


#5a9541#ffffff#5a9541The Community Garden’s impacts on the household

Use of the Community Garden products by the household 

Please tick all the options below, as appropriate, to indicate how the household used the Garden products it has received, by percentage brackets 

Consumption within the household 




Exchange for other products (barter) 


Seeds for the next cropping season 






Please add any comment considered useful about the household’s use of the Community Garden products 


Frequency of fresh produce consumption by the household 

Please complete all the statements below, as appropriate, indicating how often the household consumed/consumes fresh produce  

Before the Community Garden was established the household consumed fresh produce… 


Before the Community Garden was established, the household bought fresh produce… 


Currently, during the Community Garden cropping season, the household consumes fresh produce… 


Currently, during the Community Garden cropping season, the household buys fresh produce… 


Please add any comment considered useful about the household’s consumption of fresh produce 


Household’s food consumption DURING THE WEEKS BEFORE THE MOST RECENT HARVEST (lean period)

Please tick all the statements below, as appropriate, about the household’s consumption during the lean period 

Before the establishment of the Community Garden, the household had to reduce the quantity of all type of food during the lean period 


Before the establishment of the Community Garden, the household had to change the type of food consumed during the lean period 


Before the establishment of the Community Garden, the household had to reduce the number of meals during the lean period 


Currently, since the establishment of the Community Garden, the household has to reduce the quantity of all type of food during the lean period 


Currently, since the establishment of the Community Garden, the household has to change the type of food consumed during the lean period 


Currently, since the establishment of the Community Garden, the household has to reduce the number of meals during the lean period 


Please add any comment considered useful about the household’s food consumption during the weeks/months before new harvest (lean period) 


Impact of the Community Garden on the household’s resources 
Please tick all the options below, as appropriate, about the impact of the Garden on the household’s resources 

The Garden generated savings and/or additional income 


The Garden increased food availability for household members 


The Garden contributed to pay school fees for children 


The Garden contributed to pay for medical assistance/purchase of medicines 


The Garden contributed to pay for house improvement 


The Garden contributed to pay for livestock (cattle, sheep, goats) 


The Garden contributed to pay for courtyard animals (poultry, rabbit) 


The Garden contributed to pay for investment in the farm 


The Garden contributed to pay for investment in a new business 


The Garden contributed to pay for other expenses 


The Garden contributed to seed availability and accessibility 


The Garden contributed to availability of other products (e.g., animal feed, medicinal plants, etc.) 


Please add any comment considered useful about the impact of the Garden on the household’s resources 


Effects of external negative events (Covid-19 pandemic, war, climate change, etc.) on the household in relation to the Community Garden

Please complete all the statements below, as appropriate, about the effects of external negative events on the household in relation to the Community Garden 

The contribution of the household members to the Community Garden… 


The household’s consumption of fruits and vegetables from the Community Garden… 


The household’s income/savings related to the products of the Community Garden… 


Please specify which external event is referred to and add any comment considered useful about its effects on the household in relation to the Community Garden


Results of the trainings organized at the Community Garden

Please tick all the statements below, as appropriate, about the results of the trainings at the Community Garden 

Household members have learned about agro-ecological gardening 


Household members have learned about the SF philosophy on good, clean and fair food 


Household members have learned about food conservation and transformation 


Household members have applied what they have learned at the Community Garden in their own garden 


Household members have received/have seen the SF publications on agroecological gardening 




Please add any comment considered useful about learning and training at the Community Garden


Household’s own agroecological vegetable garden 

Please tick all the statements below, as appropriate, about the household’s own agroecological vegetable garden 

The household had its own agroecological vegetable garden before joining the Community Garden 


The household has established its own agroecological vegetable garden since joining the Community Garden 


The household consumes the production of its own vegetable garden 


The household sells the production of its own vegetable garden 


The household does not have its own vegetable garden due to lack of space 


The household does not have its own vegetable garden due to lack of time  


The household does not have its own vegetable garden due to lack of financial resources to establish it 


The household does not have its own vegetable garden because the Community Garden provides it with sufficient fresh produce 


Please add any comment considered useful about the household’s own vegetable garden 


#5a9541#ffffff#5a9541Privacy policy

The personal data contained in the form are processed in compliance with the GDPR and in accordance with the privacy policy that the data controller has made available to the link, with specific regard to the chapter "Recipients of newsletters and commercial, promotional and sales-oriented communications".
By filling in and sending this form you declare that you have read and understood the privacy policy and that you do not object to the processing provided for therein.

Per proseguire è necessario accettare l'informativa sull'utilizzo dei dati personali Informativatrue Read and accepted  *

ConfiForms Form Definition
lockedMessageNon si accettano più risposte

CodiceOrtoSlow Food Garden Codefalse[1=Angola|2=Benin|3=Botswana|4=Burkina Faso|5=Cameroun|6=Cote d'Ivoire|7=Egypte|8=Ethiopie|9=Gabon|10=Ghana|11=Guinée|12=Guinée Bissau|13=Kenya|14=Lesotho|15=Madagascar|16=Malawi|17=Mali|18=Mauritanie|19=Mauritius|20=Namibie|21=Niger|22=Nigeria|23=Senegal|24=Sierra Leone|25=Somalie|26=Sudan|27=Swaziland|28=Tanzanie|29=Togo|30=Tunisie|31=Uganda|32=Zambie|33=Maroc|34=Mozambique|35=RD Congo|36=Rwanda|37=Sao Tomé et Principe|38=Afrique du Sud|39=Zimbabwe|]label;falsetext

Info1Countryfalse[38=South Africa|1=Angola|2=Benin|3=Botswana|4=Burkina Faso|5=Cameroon|6=Ivory Coast|7=Egypt|8=Ethiopia|9=Gabon|10=Ghana|11=Guinea|12=Guinea Bissau|13=Kenya|14=Lesotho|15=Madagascar|16=Malawi|17=Mali|33=Morocco|18=Mauritania|19=Mauritius|34=Mozambique|20=Namibia|21=Niger|22=Nigeria|35=DR Congo|36=Rwanda|37=Sao Tomé and Principe|23=Senegal|24=Sierra Leone|25=Somalia|26=Sudan|27=Swaziland|28=Tanzania|29=Togo|30=Tunisia|31=Uganda|32=Zambia|39=Zimbabwe|]label;falseselecttrue

Info2Name of the gardenfalse[1=Non sono stati puntuali nelle risposte alle mie esigenze|2=Ho avuto difficoltà nell’interagire con qualcuno|3=Non sono stato pagato regolarmente per la merce venduta|]id;falsetexttrue

CodiceHouseholdCode of the household (SF garden code / Household number / Yearfalse[1=Angola|2=Benin|3=Botswana|4=Burkina Faso|5=Cameroun|6=Cote d'Ivoire|7=Egypte|8=Ethiopie|9=Gabon|10=Ghana|11=Guinée|12=Guinée Bissau|13=Kenya|14=Lesotho|15=Madagascar|16=Malawi|17=Mali|18=Mauritanie|19=Mauritius|20=Namibie|21=Niger|22=Nigeria|23=Senegal|24=Sierra Leone|25=Somalie|26=Sudan|27=Swaziland|28=Tanzanie|29=Togo|30=Tunisie|31=Uganda|32=Zambie|33=Maroc|34=Mozambique|35=RD Congo|36=Rwanda|37=Sao Tomé et Principe|38=Afrique du Sud|39=Zimbabwe|]label;falsetext

Info5Name of the person compiling the formfalse[1=Non sono stati puntuali nelle risposte alle mie esigenze|2=Ho avuto difficoltà nell’interagire con qualcuno|3=Non sono stato pagato regolarmente per la merce venduta|]id;falseFirst name, family nametexttrue

Info5aRole of the person compiling the formfalse[2=Garden Manager |1=Slow Food Gardens Coordinator |3=Other|]id;falseselecttrue

Info5bEmail of the person compiling the formfalse[1=Non sono stati puntuali nelle risposte alle mie esigenze|2=Ho avuto difficoltà nell’interagire con qualcuno|3=Non sono stato pagato regolarmente per la merce venduta|]id;falsetext

Info6Compilation date of the present formtrue[]simpledatetrue

HsaAdult woman/women (36 years old or above) true[1=None|2=1 to 3|3=4 to 6|4=More than 6|]radio_grouptrue

HsbYoung woman/women (16 to 35 years old) true[1=None|2=1 to 3|3=4 to 6|4=More than 6|]radio_grouptrue

HscFemale children (15 years old or younger) true[1=None|2=1 to 3|3=4 to 6|4=More than 6|]radio_grouptrue

HsdAdult man/men (36 years old or above) true[1=None|2=1 to 3|3=4 to 6|4=More than 6|]radio_grouptrue

HseYoung man/men (16 to 35 years old) true[1=None|2=1 to 3|3=4 to 6|4=More than 6|]radio_grouptrue

HsfMale children (15 years old or younger) true[1=None|2=1 to 3|3=4 to 6|4=More than 6|]radio_grouptrue

HsgPerson/s living with disability/ies true[1=None|2=1 to 3|3=4 to 6|4=More than 6|]radio_grouptrue

HhgaThe household head is female (e.g., widow) true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HhgbThe household head is male true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HhgcThe household head is 35 years old or younger true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HhgdThe household head is 36 years old or above true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HhpoaHis/her main sector of work is Agriculture true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HhpobHis/her main sector of work is Livestock true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HhpocHis/her main sector of work is Fisheries true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HhpodHis/her main sector of work is Beekeeping true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HhpoeHe/she mostly manages an Informal business true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HhpofHe/she mostly manages a Formal business (e.g., shop) true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HhpogHe/she is an employee in the Public or private sector true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HhpohHis/her main sector of work is another one true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HmpaHousehold Head true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HmpbAdult woman/women, 36 years or above true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HmpcYoung woman/women, 16 to 35 years true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HmpdAdult man/men, 36 years or above true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HmpeYoung man/men, 26 to 35 years true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HmpfChildren, during school holidays true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

Q13Please add any comment considered useful about the profile of the Household Head and the work of the household member/s in the Community Gardenfalse[38=South Africa|1=Angola|2=Benin|3=Botswana|4=Burkina Faso|5=Cameroon|6=Ivory Coast|7=Egypt|8=Ethiopia|9=Gabon|10=Ghana|11=Guinea|12=Guinea Bissau|13=Kenya|14=Lesotho|15=Madagascar|16=Malawi|17=Mali|33=Morocco|18=Mauritania|19=Mauritius|34=Mozambique|20=Namibia|21=Niger|22=Nigeria|35=DR Congo|36=Rwanda|37=Sao Tomé and Principe|23=Senegal|24=Sierra Leone|25=Somalia|26=Sudan|27=Swaziland|28=Tanzania|29=Togo|30=Tunisia|31=Uganda|32=Zambia|39=Zimbabwe|]label;falsetextarea

HhmiaAgriculture (crops growing) true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HhmibVegetable gardening true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HhmicRaising livestock (e.g., cattle, goats, sheep, chicken, rabbits, etc.) true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HhmidFisheries and/or aquaculture true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue


HhmifInformal business true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HhmigFormal business (e.g., shop) true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HhmihEmployment in the public or private sector true[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue


Q15Please add any comment considered useful on the main sources of income of the household false[38=South Africa|1=Angola|2=Benin|3=Botswana|4=Burkina Faso|5=Cameroon|6=Ivory Coast|7=Egypt|8=Ethiopia|9=Gabon|10=Ghana|11=Guinea|12=Guinea Bissau|13=Kenya|14=Lesotho|15=Madagascar|16=Malawi|17=Mali|33=Morocco|18=Mauritania|19=Mauritius|34=Mozambique|20=Namibia|21=Niger|22=Nigeria|35=DR Congo|36=Rwanda|37=Sao Tomé and Principe|23=Senegal|24=Sierra Leone|25=Somalia|26=Sudan|27=Swaziland|28=Tanzania|29=Togo|30=Tunisia|31=Uganda|32=Zambia|39=Zimbabwe|]label;falsetextarea

UcgaConsumption within the household true[1=0%|2=1-20%|3=21-40%|4=41-60%|5=61-80%|6=81-100%|]radio_grouptrue


UcgcExchange for other products (barter) true[1=0%|2=1-20%|3=21-40%|4=41-60%|5=61-80%|6=81-100%|]radio_grouptrue

UcgdSeeds for the next cropping season true[1=0%|2=1-20%|3=21-40%|4=41-60%|5=61-80%|6=81-100%|]radio_grouptrue



Q17Please add any comment considered useful about the household’s use of the Community Garden products false[38=South Africa|1=Angola|2=Benin|3=Botswana|4=Burkina Faso|5=Cameroon|6=Ivory Coast|7=Egypt|8=Ethiopia|9=Gabon|10=Ghana|11=Guinea|12=Guinea Bissau|13=Kenya|14=Lesotho|15=Madagascar|16=Malawi|17=Mali|33=Morocco|18=Mauritania|19=Mauritius|34=Mozambique|20=Namibia|21=Niger|22=Nigeria|35=DR Congo|36=Rwanda|37=Sao Tomé and Principe|23=Senegal|24=Sierra Leone|25=Somalia|26=Sudan|27=Swaziland|28=Tanzania|29=Togo|30=Tunisia|31=Uganda|32=Zambia|39=Zimbabwe|]label;falsetextarea

FcgaBefore the Community Garden was established the household consumed fresh produce… true[1=Every day|2=Every two days|3=Twice per week|4=Once per week|5=Less than once per week|6=Never|7=Other frequency |]radio_grouptrue

FcgbBefore the Community Garden was established, the household bought fresh produce… true[1=Every day|2=Every two days|3=Twice per week|4=Once per week|5=Less than once per week|6=Never|7=Other frequency |]radio_grouptrue

FcgcCurrently, during the Community Garden cropping season, the household consumes fresh produce… true[1=Every day|2=Every two days|3=Twice per week|4=Once per week|5=Less than once per week|6=Never|7=Other frequency |]radio_grouptrue

FcgdCurrently, during the Community Garden cropping season, the household buys fresh produce… true[1=Every day|2=Every two days|3=Twice per week|4=Once per week|5=Less than once per week|6=Never|7=Other frequency |]radio_grouptrue

Q19Please add any comment considered useful about the household’s consumption of fresh produce false[38=South Africa|1=Angola|2=Benin|3=Botswana|4=Burkina Faso|5=Cameroon|6=Ivory Coast|7=Egypt|8=Ethiopia|9=Gabon|10=Ghana|11=Guinea|12=Guinea Bissau|13=Kenya|14=Lesotho|15=Madagascar|16=Malawi|17=Mali|33=Morocco|18=Mauritania|19=Mauritius|34=Mozambique|20=Namibia|21=Niger|22=Nigeria|35=DR Congo|36=Rwanda|37=Sao Tomé and Principe|23=Senegal|24=Sierra Leone|25=Somalia|26=Sudan|27=Swaziland|28=Tanzania|29=Togo|30=Tunisia|31=Uganda|32=Zambia|39=Zimbabwe|]label;falsetextarea

HclpaBefore the establishment of the Community Garden, the household had to reduce the quantity of all type of food during the lean period false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

HclpbBefore the establishment of the Community Garden, the household had to change the type of food consumed during the lean period false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

HclpcBefore the establishment of the Community Garden, the household had to reduce the number of meals during the lean period false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

HclpdCurrently, since the establishment of the Community Garden, the household has to reduce the quantity of all type of food during the lean period false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

HclpeCurrently, since the establishment of the Community Garden, the household has to change the type of food consumed during the lean period false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

HclpfCurrently, since the establishment of the Community Garden, the household has to reduce the number of meals during the lean period false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

Q21Please add any comment considered useful about the household’s food consumption during the weeks/months before new harvest (lean period) false[38=South Africa|1=Angola|2=Benin|3=Botswana|4=Burkina Faso|5=Cameroon|6=Ivory Coast|7=Egypt|8=Ethiopia|9=Gabon|10=Ghana|11=Guinea|12=Guinea Bissau|13=Kenya|14=Lesotho|15=Madagascar|16=Malawi|17=Mali|33=Morocco|18=Mauritania|19=Mauritius|34=Mozambique|20=Namibia|21=Niger|22=Nigeria|35=DR Congo|36=Rwanda|37=Sao Tomé and Principe|23=Senegal|24=Sierra Leone|25=Somalia|26=Sudan|27=Swaziland|28=Tanzania|29=Togo|30=Tunisia|31=Uganda|32=Zambia|39=Zimbabwe|]label;falsetextarea

IhraThe Garden generated savings and/or additional income false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

IhrbThe Garden increased food availability for household members false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

IhrcThe Garden contributed to pay school fees for children false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

IhrdThe Garden contributed to pay for medical assistance/purchase of medicines false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

IhreThe Garden contributed to pay for house improvement false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

IhrfThe Garden contributed to pay for livestock (cattle, sheep, goats) false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

IhrgThe Garden contributed to pay for courtyard animals (poultry, rabbit) false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

IhrhThe Garden contributed to pay for investment in the farm false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

IhriThe Garden contributed to pay for investment in a new business false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

IhrlThe Garden contributed to pay for other expenses false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

IhrmThe Garden contributed to seed availability and accessibility false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

IhrnThe Garden contributed to availability of other products (e.g., animal feed, medicinal plants, etc.) false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

Q23Please add any comment considered useful about the impact of the Garden on the household’s resources false[38=South Africa|1=Angola|2=Benin|3=Botswana|4=Burkina Faso|5=Cameroon|6=Ivory Coast|7=Egypt|8=Ethiopia|9=Gabon|10=Ghana|11=Guinea|12=Guinea Bissau|13=Kenya|14=Lesotho|15=Madagascar|16=Malawi|17=Mali|33=Morocco|18=Mauritania|19=Mauritius|34=Mozambique|20=Namibia|21=Niger|22=Nigeria|35=DR Congo|36=Rwanda|37=Sao Tomé and Principe|23=Senegal|24=Sierra Leone|25=Somalia|26=Sudan|27=Swaziland|28=Tanzania|29=Togo|30=Tunisia|31=Uganda|32=Zambia|39=Zimbabwe|]label;falsetextarea

EeeaThe contribution of the household members to the Community Garden… false[1=... increased|2=... continued as usual|3=... was reduced|4=... stopped completely|]radio_grouptrue

EeebThe household’s consumption of fruits and vegetables from the Community Garden… false[1=... increased|2=... continued as usual|3=... was reduced|4=... stopped completely|]radio_grouptrue

EeecThe household’s income/savings related to the products of the Community Garden… false[1=... increased|2=... continued as usual|3=... was reduced|4=... stopped completely|]radio_grouptrue

Q25Please specify which external event is referred to and add any comment considered useful about its effects on the household in relation to the Community Gardenfalse[38=South Africa|1=Angola|2=Benin|3=Botswana|4=Burkina Faso|5=Cameroon|6=Ivory Coast|7=Egypt|8=Ethiopia|9=Gabon|10=Ghana|11=Guinea|12=Guinea Bissau|13=Kenya|14=Lesotho|15=Madagascar|16=Malawi|17=Mali|33=Morocco|18=Mauritania|19=Mauritius|34=Mozambique|20=Namibia|21=Niger|22=Nigeria|35=DR Congo|36=Rwanda|37=Sao Tomé and Principe|23=Senegal|24=Sierra Leone|25=Somalia|26=Sudan|27=Swaziland|28=Tanzania|29=Togo|30=Tunisia|31=Uganda|32=Zambia|39=Zimbabwe|]label;falsetextarea

RtaHousehold members have learned about agro-ecological gardening false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

RtbHousehold members have learned about the SF philosophy on good, clean and fair food false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

RtcHousehold members have learned about food conservation and transformation false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

RtdHousehold members have applied what they have learned at the Community Garden in their own garden false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

RteHousehold members have received/have seen the SF publications on agroecological gardening false[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

RtfOtherfalse[1=Yes|2=No|3=Does not know|]radio_grouptrue

Q27Please add any comment considered useful about learning and training at the Community Gardenfalse[38=South Africa|1=Angola|2=Benin|3=Botswana|4=Burkina Faso|5=Cameroon|6=Ivory Coast|7=Egypt|8=Ethiopia|9=Gabon|10=Ghana|11=Guinea|12=Guinea Bissau|13=Kenya|14=Lesotho|15=Madagascar|16=Malawi|17=Mali|33=Morocco|18=Mauritania|19=Mauritius|34=Mozambique|20=Namibia|21=Niger|22=Nigeria|35=DR Congo|36=Rwanda|37=Sao Tomé and Principe|23=Senegal|24=Sierra Leone|25=Somalia|26=Sudan|27=Swaziland|28=Tanzania|29=Togo|30=Tunisia|31=Uganda|32=Zambia|39=Zimbabwe|]label;falsetextarea

HagaThe household had its own agroecological vegetable garden before joining the Community Garden false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HagbThe household has established its own agroecological vegetable garden since joining the Community Garden false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HagcThe household consumes the production of its own vegetable garden false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HagdThe household sells the production of its own vegetable garden false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HageThe household does not have its own vegetable garden due to lack of space false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HagfThe household does not have its own vegetable garden due to lack of time false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HaggThe household does not have its own vegetable garden due to lack of financial resources to establish it false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

HaghThe household does not have its own vegetable garden because the Community Garden provides it with sufficient fresh produce false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

Q29Please add any comment considered useful about the household’s own vegetable garden false[38=South Africa|1=Angola|2=Benin|3=Botswana|4=Burkina Faso|5=Cameroon|6=Ivory Coast|7=Egypt|8=Ethiopia|9=Gabon|10=Ghana|11=Guinea|12=Guinea Bissau|13=Kenya|14=Lesotho|15=Madagascar|16=Malawi|17=Mali|33=Morocco|18=Mauritania|19=Mauritius|34=Mozambique|20=Namibia|21=Niger|22=Nigeria|35=DR Congo|36=Rwanda|37=Sao Tomé and Principe|23=Senegal|24=Sierra Leone|25=Somalia|26=Sudan|27=Swaziland|28=Tanzania|29=Togo|30=Tunisia|31=Uganda|32=Zambia|39=Zimbabwe|]label;falsetextarea

InformativaInformativaInformativa privacy OKcheckboxtrue

Send Emailorti_africa@slowfood.itonCreatedF1 - monitoring form of [entry.Info2][entry.Info5b],

Thanks for your help. 

F3 - Monitoring questionnaire to measure Community Gardens’ impact at household level

Below you will find the version of the completed online form.

#5a9541#ffffff#5a9541General informations









#5a9541#ffffff#5a9541The household

Please provide the requested information about the household composition and profile at the time of the interview 

Household size

Please tick all the options below, as appropriate, about thenumber of household members- by age and gender at the time of the interview 

Adult woman/women (36 years old or above)


Young woman/women (16 to 35 years old)


Female children (15 years old or younger)


Adult man/men (36 years old or above)


Young man/men (16 to 35 years old)


Male children (15 years old or younger)


Person/s living with disability/ies


Gender and age of the Household Head 

Please tick all the options below, as appropriate, about the gender and age of the Household Head  

The household head is female (e.g., widow) 


The household head is male 


The household head is 35 years old or younger 


The household head is 36 years old or above 


Professional occupation of the Household Head 

Please tick all the options below, as appropriate, concerning the main professional occupation of the Household Head  

His/her main sector of work is Agriculture 


His/her main sector of work is Livestock 


His/her main sector of work is Fisheries 


His/her main sector of work is Beekeeping 


He/she mostly manages an Informal business  


He/she mostly manages a Formal business (e.g., shop) 


He/she is an employee in the Public or private sector 


His/her main sector of work is another one 


Household members’ participation in the Community Garden 

Please tick all the options below, as appropriate, to indicate which household member/s regularly work/s in the Community Garden. 

Household Head 


Adult woman/women, 36 years or above 


Young woman/women, 16 to 35 years 


Adult man/men, 36 years or above 


Young man/men, 26 to 35 years 


Children, during school holidays 


Please add any comment considered useful about the profile of the Household Head and the work of the household member/s in the Community Garden


Main sources of household’s income 

Agriculture (crops growing) 


Vegetable gardening 


Raising livestock (e.g., cattle, goats, sheep, chicken, rabbits, etc.) 


Fisheries and/or aquaculture 




Informal business 


Formal business (e.g., shop) 


Employment in the public or private sector 




Please add any comment considered useful on the main sources of income of the household  


#5a9541#ffffff#5a9541The Community Garden’s impacts on the household

Use of the Community Garden products by the household 

Please tick all the options below, as appropriate, to indicate how the household used the Garden products it has received, by percentage brackets 

Consumption within the household 




Exchange for other products (barter) 


Seeds for the next cropping season 






Please add any comment considered useful about the household’s use of the Community Garden products 


Frequency of fresh produce consumption by the household 

Please complete all the statements below, as appropriate, indicating how often the household consumed/consumes fresh produce  

Before the Community Garden was established the household consumed fresh produce… 


Before the Community Garden was established, the household bought fresh produce… 


Currently, during the Community Garden cropping season, the household consumes fresh produce… 


Currently, during the Community Garden cropping season, the household buys fresh produce… 


Please add any comment considered useful about the household’s consumption of fresh produce 


Household’s food consumption DURING THE WEEKS BEFORE THE MOST RECENT HARVEST (lean period)

Please tick all the statements below, as appropriate, about the household’s consumption during the lean period 

Before the establishment of the Community Garden, the household had to reduce the quantity of all type of food during the lean period 


Before the establishment of the Community Garden, the household had to change the type of food consumed during the lean period 


Before the establishment of the Community Garden, the household had to reduce the number of meals during the lean period 


Currently, since the establishment of the Community Garden, the household has to reduce the quantity of all type of food during the lean period 


Currently, since the establishment of the Community Garden, the household has to change the type of food consumed during the lean period 


Currently, since the establishment of the Community Garden, the household has to reduce the number of meals during the lean period 


Please add any comment considered useful about the household’s food consumption during the weeks/months before new harvest (lean period) 


Impact of the Community Garden on the household’s resources 
Please tick all the options below, as appropriate, about the impact of the Garden on the household’s resources 

The Garden generated savings and/or additional income 


The Garden increased food availability for household members 


The Garden contributed to pay school fees for children 


The Garden contributed to pay for medical assistance/purchase of medicines 


The Garden contributed to pay for house improvement 


The Garden contributed to pay for livestock (cattle, sheep, goats) 


The Garden contributed to pay for courtyard animals (poultry, rabbit) 


The Garden contributed to pay for investment in the farm 


The Garden contributed to pay for investment in a new business 


The Garden contributed to pay for other expenses 


The Garden contributed to seed availability and accessibility 


The Garden contributed to availability of other products (e.g., animal feed, medicinal plants, etc.) 


Please add any comment considered useful about the impact of the Garden on the household’s resources 


Effects of external negative events (Covid-19 pandemic, war, climate change, etc.) on the household in relation to the Community Garden

Please complete all the statements below, as appropriate, about the effects of external negative events on the household in relation to the Community Garden 

The contribution of the household members to the Community Garden… 


The household’s consumption of fruits and vegetables from the Community Garden… 


The household’s income/savings related to the products of the Community Garden… 


Please specify which external event is referred to and add any comment considered useful about its effects on the household in relation to the Community Garden


Results of the trainings organized at the Community Garden

Household members have learned about agro-ecological gardening 


Household members have learned about the SF philosophy on good, clean and fair food 


Household members have learned about food conservation and transformation 


Household members have applied what they have learned at the Community Garden in their own garden 


Household members have received/have seen the SF publications on agroecological gardening 




Please add any comment considered useful about learning and training at the Community Garden


Household’s own agroecological vegetable garden 

The household had its own agroecological vegetable garden before joining the Community Garden 


The household has established its own agroecological vegetable garden since joining the Community Garden 


The household consumes the production of its own vegetable garden 


The household sells the production of its own vegetable garden 


The household does not have its own vegetable garden due to lack of space 


The household does not have its own vegetable garden due to lack of time  


The household does not have its own vegetable garden due to lack of financial resources to establish it 


The household does not have its own vegetable garden because the Community Garden provides it with sufficient fresh produce 


Please add any comment considered useful about the household’s own vegetable garden 


See you soon,
The Slow Food Food team