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ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations Control
registrationMessageGrazie per le tue risposte
confirmationMessageGrazie per le tue risposte

#c22522#ffffff2#c22522Valutare l'impatto che le iniziative di SF hanno avuto su di voi
Hai partecipato in qualità di:



Sei socio di Slow Food?
Terra Madre 2022 è stato il primo evento Slow Food a cui hai partecipato?
Hai partecipato ad altri eventi di Slow Food dopo Terra Madre 2022?



Dopo aver partecipato a Terra Madre nel 2022, sei più o meno favorevole a partecipare ad altri eventi di Slow Food?


Come valuti la tua conoscenza di Slow Food e dei suoi obiettivi?


La tua conoscenza di Slow Food e del suo lavoro è progredita dopo la partecipazione a Terra Madre?


Il tuo sostegno al movimento Slow Food si è rafforzato dopo aver partecipato a Terra Madre 2022?


























Quali altri fattori hanno inciso sulle tue abitudini e sul tuo approccio al cibo negli ultimi anni?





Cosa potrebbe fare Slow Food per avere un impatto maggiore e raggiungere più persone?



Desideri sviluppare una maggiore partecipazione con Slow Food?






#c22522#ffffff2#c22522Informazioni generali






Ti fa piacere restare in contatto con Slow Food da qui in avanti, per contribuire con le tue proposte?








#c22522#ffffff2#c22522Privacy Policy

I dati personali contenuti nel questionario sono trattati secondo il GDPR e la privacy policy che è disponibile al link, con specifico riferimento al capitolo “Partecipanti a sondaggi, valutazioni o firmatari di campagne”.

Compilando e inviando questo questionario, dichiari di aver letto e compreso la privacy policy e non trovi ostacoli ad accettarne i contenuti.

Per proseguire è necessario accettare l'informativa sull'utilizzo dei dati personali Informativatrue Letto e accettato *

Grazie per le tue risposte!

ConfiForms Form Definition

Q1 Would you describe yourself as a?

  • Consumer
  • Food Producer
  • Policy maker
  • Working with food in other ways

Q1Categoriafalse[1=Consumatore|2=Produttore alimentare|3=Policy maker|4=Altri lavori o attività legate al cibo (cuoco, lavorazione, marketing, fornitura, giornalista, attivista, altro – specificare)|]radio_group

Q1:4Q1bisShow fieldQ1true

Q1:4 AND Q1bis:[empty]Please specifyValidation ruleQ1


Q2 Are you a member of Slow Food?

1 Yes

2 No


Q3 Was Terra Madre 2022 the first Slow Food event you have attended?

1 Yes

2 No


Q3a Have you attended other Slow Food events since Terra Madre 2022?



Q3aHai partecipato ad altri eventi dopo TM 22false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

Q3b (Se sì a Q3a) Please specify the kind of event:

Q3a:1Q3bShow fieldQ3atrue

Q3bA quale tipo di evento?false[1=Locale/comunitario|2=Regionale/nazionale|3=Internazionale|]checkbox_group

Q4 After TM 2022 Are you more or less likely to attend other Slow Food events?

1 Yes

2 No

Q4Parteciperai ad altri eventi?false[1=Più|2=NoMeno|]radio_group

Q5 How would you assess your knowledge of Slow Food and its objectives?

I know nothing

I have some general knowledge from reading/internet

I have good knowledge through participation in a small number of activities, e.g., petitions

I have extensive knowledge through engagement in a large number of activities, membership, etc.

Q5Conoscenza SFfalse[1=I know nothingNon ne so nulla|2=I have some general knowledge from readingConoscenza generica acquisita tramite lettura/internet|3=I have good knowledge through participation in a small number of activities e.g. petitions|4=I have extensive knowledge through engagement in a large number of activities; membership; etc.|]Choose the option that is closest to youBuona conoscenza acquisita partecipando a un numero ridotto di iniziative – ad esempio petizioni|4=Conoscenza approfondita grazie al coinvolgimento in molteplici attività e iniziative, eventi, adesione, ecc.|]Scegliere l'opzione più vicina a voiselect

Q6 Has your level of knowledge of Slow Food and its work changed further since attending Terra Madre?

1 Yes

2 No

Q6Conoscenza SF post TM2020-2021TM222false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

Q7 Do you support the Slow Food organisation more or less since attending Terra Madre 2022?

More / Less

Q7Favore SFfalse[1=MorePiù|2=LessMeno|]radio_group

Q8 Sulla base delle risposte alla Q1

1 Consumer Q8a

        Q8a Would you say that your experience at Terra Madre 2022 has influenced you to change your eating habits more generally?

        1 Yes

        2 No

        Q1:1Q8aShow fieldQ1true

        Q8aWould you say that your experience at Terra Madre 2022 has influenced you to change your eating habits more generallyLa partecipazione a Terra Madre 2022 ha modificato in maniera generale le tue abitudini alimentari?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

                Q8a1 Was this as a consequence of things you learnt at the event? (Se la risposta è sì per 8a)

                Q8a:1Q8a1Show fieldQ8atrue

                Q8a1Was this as a consequence of things you learnt at the eventÈ accaduto grazie a quanto appreso a questo evento?false[1=Yes|2=No|]id;falseradio_group

                Q8a2 What changes have you made?(Se la risposta è sì per 8a)

                Q8a:1Q8a2Show fieldQ8atrue

                Q8a2What changes have you madeQuali cambiamenti hai introdotto?false[1=I buy more from local producers|2=I have become more interested in local food|3=I have become more interested in the sustainability of my food choices|4=The food I buy is more consciously “good, clean and fair”|5=I think my approach to food has become more Acquisto più alimenti dai produttori locali|2=Ho maggiore interesse per il cibo locale|3=Faccio più attenzione alla sostenibilità delle mie scelte alimentari|4=Acquisto consapevolmente cibo più “buono, pulito e giusto”|5=Il mio approccio al cibo è diventato più “Slow”|]id;falsecheckbox_group

                Q8a1bis  Do you intend to make further changes in the future? (Se la risposta è sì per 8a)

                Q8a:1Q8a1bisShow fieldQ8atrue

                Q8a1bisDo you intend to make further changes in the futureHai intenzione di compiere ulteriori cambiamenti in futuro?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

               Q8a3 Did you make changes immediately after attending Terra Madre 2022?

Q8a:1Q8a3Show fieldQ8atrue

        Q8a3Did you make changes immediately after attending Hai realizzato qualche cambiamento subito dopo aver partecipato a Terra Madre 2022?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

               Q8a4 Have you made further changes in the past months as a consequence of things you learned at this event?

Q8a:1Q8a4Show fieldQ8atrue

        Q8a4Have you made further changes in the past months as a consequence of things you learned at this eventHai compiuto altri cambiamenti negli scorsi mesi grazie a quanto appreso partecipando a questo evento?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

2 Food producer Q8b

        Q8b Would you say that your experience at Terra Madre 2022 has influenced you to change your food production habits?

        1 Yes

        2 No

        Q1:2Q8bShow fieldQ1true

        Q8bWould you say that your experience at Terra Madre 2022 has influenced you to change your food production habits?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

                 Q8b1 Was this as a consequence of things you learnt at the event? (Se la risposta è sì per 8b)

                Q8b:1Q8b1Show fieldQ8btrue

                Q8b1Was this as a consequence of things you learnt at the eventÈ accaduto grazie a quanto appreso a questo evento?false[1=Yes|2=No|]id;falseradio_group

                Q8b2 What changes have you made? (Se la risposta è sì per 8b)

                Q8b:1Q8b2Show fieldQ8btrue

                Q8b2What changes have you madeQuali cambiamenti hai introdotto?false[1=I have become more interested in local foodHo maggiore interesse per il cibo locale|2=I have formed (or increased) connections with local farmers and producers|3=I have ceased to produce a product due to food sustainability questions|4=The food I produce is more consciously “good, clean and fair”|5=I think my approach to food has become more Ho creato (o rafforzato) relazioni con i produttori locali|3=Ho smesso di produrre determinati alimenti per questioni di sostenibilità|4=Produco cibo più consapevolmente “buono, pulito e giusto”|5=Il mio approccio al cibo è diventato più “Slow”|]checkbox_group

                Q8b1bis Do you intend to make further changes in the future? (Se la risposta è sì per 8b)

                Q8b:1Q8b1bisShow fieldQ8btrue

                Q8b1bisDo you intend to make further changes in the futureHai intenzione di compiere ulteriori cambiamenti in futuro?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

               Q8b3 Did you make changes immediately after attending Terra Madre 2022?

Q8b:1Q8b3Show fieldQ8btrue

        Q8b3Did you make changes immediately after attending Hai realizzato qualche cambiamento subito dopo aver partecipato a Terra Madre 2022?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

               Q8b4 Have you made further changes in the past months as a consequence of things you learned at this event?

Q8b:1Q8b4Show fieldQ8btrue

        Q8b4Did you make changes immediately after attending Terra Madre 2022Hai compiuto altri cambiamenti negli scorsi mesi grazie a quanto appreso partecipando a questo evento?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

3 Policy maker Q8c

        Q8c Would you say that your experience at Terra Madre 2020-2021 has influenced you to change your approach to food policies?

        1 Yes

        2 No

        Q1:3Q8cShow fieldQ1true

        Q8cWould you say that your experience at Terra Madre 2022 has influenced you to change your approach to food?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

                Q8c1 Was this as a consequence of things you learnt at the event? (Se la risposta è sì per 8c)

                Q8c:1Q8c1Show fieldQ8ctrue

                Q8c1Was this as a consequence of things you learnt at the eventÈ accaduto grazie a quanto appreso a questo evento?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

                Q8c2 What changes did you make? (Se si in Q8c)

                Q8c:1Q8c2Show fieldQ8ctrue

                Q8c2What changes have you madeQuali cambiamenti hai introdotto?false[1=I have become more interested in local food|2=I have formed connections with local farmers and producers|4=I think my approach to food has become more Ho maggiore interesse per il cibo locale|2=Ho creato relazioni con i produttori locali|4=Il mio approccio al cibo è diventato più “Slow”|]checkbox_group

                Q8c1bis Do you intend to make further changes in the future?(Se la risposta è sì per 8a)

                Q8c:1Q8c1bisShow fieldQ8ctrue

                Q8c1bisDo you intend to make further changes in the futureHai intenzione di compiere ulteriori cambiamenti in futuro?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

               Q8c3 Did you make changes immediately after attending Terra Madre 2022?

Q8c:1Q8c3Show fieldQ8ctrue

        Q8c3Did you make changes immediately after attending Hai realizzato qualche cambiamento subito dopo aver partecipato a Terra Madre 2022?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

               Q8c4 Have you made further changes in the past months as a consequence of things you learned at this event?

Q8c:1Q8c4Show fieldQ8ctrue

        Q8c4Did you make changes immediately after attending Terra Madre 2022Hai compiuto altri cambiamenti negli scorsi mesi grazie a quanto appreso partecipando a questo evento?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

4 Working with food in other ways Q8d

        Q8d Would you say that your experience at at Terra Madre 2022 has influenced you to change your approach to your food-related work?

        1 Yes

        2 No

        Q1:4Q8dShow fieldQ1true

        Q8dWould you say that your experience at Terra Madre 2022 has influenced you to change your approach to your food-related work?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

                Q8d1 Was this as a consequence of things you learnt at the event? (Se la risposta è sì per 8a)

                Q8d:1Q8d1Show fieldQ8dtrue

                Q8d1Was this as a consequence of things you learnt at the eventÈ accaduto grazie a quanto appreso a questo evento?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

                Q8d2 What changes have you made?(Se si in Q8a)

                Q8d:1Q8d2Show fieldQ8dtrue

                Q8d2What changes have you madeQuali cambiamenti hai introdotto?false[1=I have become more interested in local food|2=I have become more interested in food sustainability|3=I write/blog more about food sustainability issues|4=I think my approach to food has become more Mi interesso maggiormente al cibo locale|2=Ho maggiore interesse per la sostenibilità alimentare|3=Produco più contenuti legati alla tematica della sostenibilità alimentare|4=Il mio approccio al cibo è diventato più “Slow”|]checkbox_group

                 Q8d1bis Do you intend to make further changes in the future? (Se la risposta è sì per 8a)

                Q8d:1Q8d1bisShow fieldQ8dtrue

                Q8d1bisDo you intend to make further changes in the futureHai intenzione di compiere ulteriori cambiamenti in futuro?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

               Q8d3 Did you make changes immediately after attending Terra Madre 2022?

Q8d:1Q8d3Show fieldQ8dtrue

        Q8d3Did you make changes immediately after attending Hai realizzato qualche cambiamento subito dopo aver partecipato a Terra Madre 2022?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

               Q8d4 Have you made further changes in the past months as a consequence of things you learned at this event?

Q8d:1Q8d4Show fieldQ8dtrue

        Q8d4Have you made further changes in the past months as a consequence of things you learned at this eventHai compiuto altri cambiamenti negli scorsi mesi grazie a quanto appreso partecipando a questo evento?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

Q10 What other factors have influenced your food habits in the last year? (Tick all that apply)

1) Slow Food campaigns (online)

2) Slow Food campaigns (offline)

3) Other NGO campaigns – please identify, if you can  Q10a

4) Other Retailer/Producer-led campaign – please identify if you can Q10b

5) General Media

Q10Altri fattorifalse[1=Campagne di Slow Food campaigns ( online)|2=Campagne di Slow Food campaigns ( offline)|3=Other NGO campaigns|4=Other Retailer/Producer-led campaign|5=General MediaAltre champagne di ONG – se possibile, specificare|4=Altre campagne di fornitori o produttori – se possibile, specificare|5=Informazioni provenienti dai media|]checkbox_group

Q10:3Q10aShow fieldQ10true

Q10:3 AND Q10a:[empty]Please specifyValidation ruleQ10

Q10aPlease identify, if you canfalse[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

Q10:4Q10bShow fieldQ10true

Q10:4 AND Q10b:[empty]Please specifyValidation ruleQ10

Q10bPlease identify, if you canfalse[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

Q10:6Q10cShow fieldQ10true

Q10:6 AND Q10c:[empty]Specifica la tua risposta, per favoreValidation ruleQ10

Q10bis What more might Slow Food do to have a more positive influence with more people?

  • More campaigning

  • More education

  • More local events

  • More grassroots projects

  • Other, please specify

Q10bisCosa potrebbe fare SF di piùfalse[1=More campaigning|2=More education|3=More local events|4=More grassroots projects|5=Other - please specify|]id;falsecheckbox_group

Q10bis:5Q10bbShow fieldQ10bistrue

Q10bis:5 AND Q10bb:[empty]Please specifyValidation ruleQ10bis

Q10bbPlease specifyfalse[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

Q11 Would you like to become more involved in Slow Food?

Q11Vuoi essere più coinvolto in SFtrue[1=Yes|2=No|3=Maybe|]select

1) Yes

2) No

3) Maybe

Q11a (If yes to Q11) What would you personally like to get more involved in? (Tick all that apply)

  1. Stay in touch by signing up for updates and news
  2. Join a local Slow Food community
  3. Set up a Slow Food community
  4. Donate
  5. Attending more local events
  6. Attending future International events, like Terra Madre

Q11:1Q11aShow fieldQ11true

Q11aWhat would you personally like to get more involved in?false[1=Stay in touch by signing up for updates and news|2=Join a local Slow Food community|3=Set up a Slow Food community|4=Donate|5=Attending more local events|6=Attending future international events like Terra Madre|]checkbox_group

Q11b (If maybe to 11) What might make you want to become involved?

  1. More information from Slow Food about its work

  2. More evidence from Slow Food about the impacts of its work

  3. More activity local to me that I could join

  4. More online activity that I could join, eg, workshops, campaigns, etc.

  5. Other - please specify

Q11:3Q11bShow fieldQ11true

Q11bWhat might make you want to become involved?false[1=More information from Slow Food about its work|2=More evidence from Slow Food about the impacts of its work|3=More activity local to me that I could join|4=More online activity that I could join: workshops; campaigns; etc.|5=Other - please specify|]checkbox_group

Q11b:5Q11bbShow fieldQ11btrue

Q11b:5 AND Q11bb:[empty]Please specifyValidation ruleQ11a

Q11bbPlease specifyfalse[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

Q11c (If no to 11) What are the reasons

  1. I don’t have time
  2. Cost
  3. I’m no longer interested in Slow Food
  4. I always intended to attend just once
  5. I didn’t enjoy it
  6. I’m already involved in other food-related activity

Q11:2Q11cShow fieldQ11true

Q11cWhat are the reasons? (Please do not worry about answering “no”, it is important for us to know how you think about this question honestly)false[1=I don’t have time|3=I’m no longer interested in Slow Food|2=Cost|4=I always intended to attend just once|5=I didn’t enjoy it|6=I’m already involved in other food-related activity|]checkbox_group

Q12 Age


Q13 Gender


Q14 Country

Q14Nazionefalse[1=Consumer|2=Food Producer|3=Policy maker|4=Other food related work e.g. cook; processor; marketing, supply; journalist; activist; other – please specify|]text

Q15 Are you happy to be contacted by Slow Food after today, to contribute your views?

Q15Sei interessato ad essere contattato da SFfalse[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

Q16 Name

Q16Nomefalse[1=Consumer|2=Food Producer|3=Policy maker|4=Other food related work e.g. cook; processor; marketing, supply; journalist; activist; other – please specify|]text

Q17 Surname

Q17Cognomefalse[1=Consumer|2=Food Producer|3=Policy maker|4=Other food related work e.g. cook; processor; marketing, supply; journalist; activist; other – please specify|]text

Q18 Email

Q18Emailfalse[1=Consumer|2=Food Producer|3=Policy maker|4=Other food related work e.g. cook; processor; marketing, supply; journalist; activist; other – please specify|]text


InformativaInformativaInformativa privacy OKcheckboxtrue