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Slow Food RegenerAction Program

How to reshape our food systems

This program is organized per thematic pillar (Biodiversity, Education, Advocacy): you will chose one of the pillars and you will be invited to join three in depth sessions on specific topics.

The first of the 3 in depth sessions will be the same for all thematic pillars, and will focus on protein transition: "Protein Transition" embrace different aspects of our food systems, addressing the environmental, health and social issues caused by intensive farming and fishing, much related to the overconsumption of industrial animal proteins. To reshape our supply chains, we need a transformation of our daily habits for a more conscious and healthy diet, rich in plant-based food (like whole grains, vegetables and fruits, legumes and nuts) and with reduced animal proteins from agroecological sources. However, consumers cannot change the system alone: we will go into how policymakers, at local and international level, must promote sustainable food environments, making good, clean and fair food more accessible and affordable for all also in schools, in restaurants and beyond. In this is pivotal to support small scale farmers that implement within their fields agroecology, which Slow Food identifies as crucial to achieve environmental sustainability and food security and sovereignty.

What will you learn?

The Slow Food RegenerAction Program will help you better understanding what we intend for good, clean and fair protein transition towards agroecology and what you can do at your local scale to enable and support the food systems transformation on that direction.

Applications are due by April

Capacity Building on BIODIVERSITY:

Building New Leadership for good, clean and fair food in Europe

These capacity building sessions will build new skills for European activists, with the goal of providing spaces for knowledge exchange, discussion on strategies and on tools to carry out effective actions at grassroots level.

What you will learn

  • Slow Food biodiversity concept: what do we mean with biological and cultural diversity?
  • Slow Food mapping methodologies: where do I start to better know the agro-biodiversity in my territory?
  • Slow Food approach to biodiversity conservation and promotion: which actions can we put in place in this fight?

Applications are due by March 21st.

Selection of the participants will be confirmed and finalized by end of Marchmid May.

PLEASE NOTE: The form does not guarantee participation in the trainingprogram, it will be considered only as an application form, not a registration form. The Slow Food Europe office will consider the information received and evaluate the characteristics of the candidate, reserving the right to select the participant(s) according to the selection criteria.

ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations Control
registrationMessageThanks for applying to the Slow Food Europe RegenerAction trainings

#000000#ffffff#B20000Personal information





















#000000#ffffff#000000Privacy policy

The personal data contained in the form are processed in compliance with the GDPR and in accordance with the privacy policy that the data controller has made available to the link, with specific regard to the chapter "Recipients of newsletters and commercial, promotional and sales-oriented communications".
By filling in and sending this form you declare that you have read and understood the privacy policy and that you do not object to the processing provided for therein.

Per proseguire è necessario accettare l'informativa sull'utilizzo dei dati personali Informativatrue Read and accepted  *

ConfiForms Form Definition
lockedMessageRegistrations are now closed
readonlyAfterRegistrationMessageIt seesm you have already filled in this survey. Please, write to to communicate eventual changes.


Q1Last namefalse[]texttrue


Q3EmailInvalid emailfalse[3=Chapter/Convivia|5=Event|1=International|4=Project|2=Regional|]id;falsetexttrue(?:[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*|"(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])*")@(?:(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?|\[(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?|[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21-\x5a\x53-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])+)\])

Q4WhatsApp contact/Phone numberfalse[]text

Q5Genderfalse[1=Male|2=Female|3=Prefer not to say|]id;falseradio_grouptrue

Q6Date of Birth false[1=18-35|2=36-50|3=Over 50|]id;falsedatetrue

Q7Professionfalse[1=Farmer/producer|2=Chef/cook|3=Teacher/educator|4=Student|5=Professor/scholar|6=Technician|7=Other (please speficy)|]id;falsecheckbox_grouptrue


Q8Are you a member of a Slow Food community or convivium?true[2=No|1=Yes|]id;falseIf yes, please specifyradio_grouptrue

Q8:1Q8aShow fieldQ8

!Q8:1Q8aHide fieldQ8

Q8:1 AND Q8a:[empty]Specify answer OtherValidation ruleQ8

Q8aPlease, specify:false[]textarea

Q10Do you participate in a Slow Food programme or project? Please describefalse[1=Photos|2=videos|3=logo templates|4=social media templates|5=other (please specify)|]id;falsetextareatrue

Q11Do you promote any Slow Food theme or campaign? Please describetrue[2=No|1=Yes|]id;falsetextareatrue

Q12Have you attended any Slow Food event?false[1=Yes|2=No|]id;falseradio_grouptrue

Q13Please describe which kind of activities you carried out in your community/network last yearfalse[1=Photos|2=videos|3=logo templates|4=social media templates|5=other (please specify)|]id;falsetextareatrue

Q13aWhat do you say if I say "protein transition"? false[1=Photos|2=videos|3=logo templates|4=social media templates|5=other (please specify)|]id;falsetextareatrue

Q13bWhat do you say if I say "agroecology"?false[1=Photos|2=videos|3=logo templates|4=social media templates|5=other (please specify)|]id;falsetextareatrue

Q13cTo which of the trainings program would you like to take part in?false[1=Biodiversity (1: overview on protein transition & agroecology; 2: Animals; 3: plant-based;)|2=Advocacy (1: overview on protein transition & agroecology; 2: Urban Food Policies & Food Policy Councils; 3: public procurement)|3=Education (1: overview on protein transition & agroecology; 2: Food & Health; 3: educational methodologies;)|]id;falseradio_grouptrue

Q15Please describe the activity/ies that you would like to carry out within your community after attending the Slow Food RegerAction trainingProgramfalse[3=Chapter/Convivia|5=Event|1=International|4=Project|2=Regional|]id;falsetextareatrue

Q16Please indicate any other information you consider important for your applicationfalse[3=Chapter/Convivia|5=Event|1=International|4=Project|2=Regional|]id;falsetextareatrue

InformativaInformativaInformativa privacy OKcheckboxtrue