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Slow Food Capacity



Building New Leadership for good, clean and fair food in Europe

These capacity building sessions will build new skills for European activists, with the goal of providing spaces for knowledge exchange, discussion on strategies and on tools to carry out effective actions at grassroots level.

What you will learn

  • Slow Food biodiversity concept: what do we mean with biological and cultural diversity?
  • Slow Food mapping methodologies: where do I start to better know the agro-biodiversity in my territory?
  • Slow Food approach to biodiversity conservation and promotion: which actions can we put in place in this fight?

Applications are due by March 21st.

Selection of the participants will be confirmed and finalized by end of March.

PLEASE NOTE: The form does not guarantee participation in the training, it will be considered only as an application form, not a registration form. The Slow Food Europe office will consider the information received and evaluate the characteristics of the candidate, reserving the right to select the participant(s) (Selection criteria:)according to the selection criteria.

ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations Control
registrationMessageThanks for applying to the Slow Food Europe Capacity Building on Biodiversity.

#000000#ffffff#B20000Personal information








#000000#ffffff#B20000What has happened?

To solve the problem above, what is the main type of actions your group has organised in the past 12 months? Are they represented in our Call to Action? If so, please choose 1 or more of the following objectives:

  • Defend biological and cultural diversity

Q7aatrue Research and catalogue the heritage of biological and cultural diversity linked to food (as an expression of territory), and identify the people who protect this heritage;

Q7abtrue Support and promote those who preserve biodiversity and act as caretakers of local territories; those who use agroecological techniques and sustainable animal farming practices that respect animal welfare; those who manage the resources of the oceans, rivers, and lakes without overexploiting them; those who promote an agricultural model that can stop the spread of monocultures and intensive farming, as well as the concentration of power in just a few hands;

Q7actrue Create opportunities for dialogue and exchange (commercial and otherwise) between those who work to bring food from “farm to table”, as well as with consumers.

  • Educate, inspire and mobilize citizens

Q7batrue Develop communications materials and launch campaigns to increase awareness about the food system and to change behavior;

Q7bbtrue Design and deliver educational and training activities as well as experiences to improve knowledge about food — from production to consumption to food loss — and to impact people’s practices and choices;

Q7bctrue Design and deliver educational and training activities for professionals in the food sector in order to reward those who make positive changes in food production, distribution, marketing, consumption, and waste management.

  • Influence policies in the public and private sectors

Q7catrue Influence public institutions and the private business sector at every level in order to create policies and models that support fair and regenerative systems of production, distribution, marketing, consumption, and management of food loss;

Q7cbtrue Inform, involve, and mobilize individuals and communities to become advocates for the necessary transition to fair and sustainable policies;

Q7cctrue Create alliances with others who are fighting for similar goals.

  • It's hard for us to relate what we do with the actions described above. We mainly focus our action on:




What was the specific target of your events?

(multiple options available)

Q101true Farmers & Food producers

Q102true Children

Q103true Families

Q104true Youth

Q105true Citizens and wider public

Q106true Women

Q107true Indigenous Peoples and Afrodescendant

Q108true Migrants

Q109true Cooks

Q1010true Teachers and/or schools

Q1011true Academics and/or universities/higher education

Q1012true Politicians, public institutions

Q1013true Private companies

Q1014true Other, please specify





#000000#ffffff#B20000What has changed?

Based on your observations, what has changed (i.e. your real-world impact)?























#000000#ffffff#B20000Covid-19 response

How has your group responded to the Covid-19 crisis?








Has being part of the Slow Food network helped you during the Covid-19 crisis?






#000000#ffffff#B20000Needs & Recommendations

Where did you find Slow Food International most supportive in achieving your goals?

(Multiple options available)

Q221true Increased visibility and communication

Q222true Support when dealing with public institutions

Q223true Capacity building on fundraising

Q224true Materials and tools provided

Q225true Knowledge & contents provided

Q226true Networking with like-minded people with similar problems and goals

Q227true Connections with key experts

Q228true Capacity building and training of our members and leaders

Q229true New market opportunities

Q220true Other, please specify


Where do you need more help from Slow Food International to better achieve your goals?

(Multiple options available)

Q231true Increased visibility

Q232true Institutional support

Q233true Capacity building on fundraising

Q234true Materials and tools provided

Q235true Knowledge & contents provided

Q236true Networking with like-minded people with similar problems and goals

Q237true Connections with key experts

Q238true Capacity building and training of our members and leaders

Q239true New market opportunities

Q230true Other, please specify


#000000#ffffff#000000Privacy policy

The personal data contained in the form are processed in compliance with the GDPR and in accordance with the privacy policy that the data controller has made available to the link, with specific regard to the chapter "Recipients of newsletters and commercial, promotional and sales-oriented communications".
By filling in and sending this form you declare that you have read and understood the privacy policy and that you do not object to the processing provided for therein.

Per proseguire è necessario accettare l'informativa sull'utilizzo dei dati personali Informativatrue Read and accepted  *

ConfiForms Form Definition
lockedMessageSorry, the survey was ended!Registrations are now closed
readonlyAfterRegistrationMessageIt seesm you have already filled in this survey. Please, write to to communicate eventual changes.


Q1Last namefalse[]texttrue

Q2Namefalse[]¹: With the term “Group” we refer to either a Slow Food Convivium or a Slow Food Communitytexttrue

Q3EmailInvalid emailfalse[3=Chapter/Convivia|5=Event|1=International|4=Project|2=Regional|]id;falsetexttrue(?:[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*|"(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])*")@(?:(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?|\[(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?|[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21-\x5a\x53-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])+)\])

Q4WhatsApp contact/Phone numberfalse[]text

Q5Genderfalse[1=Male|2=Female|3=OtherPrefer not to say|]id;falseradio_grouptrue

Q5Q6Agefalse[1=18-35|2=36-50|3=Over 50|]id;falseradio_grouptrue

Q6Q7Professionfalse[1=Farmer/producer|2=Chef/cook|3=Teacher/educator|4=Student|5=Professor|6=Technician|7=Other (please speficy)|]id;falsecheckbox_grouptrue


Q7Q8Are you a member of a Slow Food community or convivium?true[2=No|1=Yes|]id;falseIf yes, please specifyradio_grouptrue

Q7Q8:1Q7aQ8aShow fieldQ7Q8

!Q7Q8:1Q7aQ8aHide fieldQ7Q8

Q7Q8:1 AND Q7aQ8a:[empty]Specify answer OtherValidation ruleQ7Q8

Q7aQ8aPlease, specify:false[]textarea

Q7aaDefend biological and cultural diversityResearch and catalogue the heritage of biological and cultural diversity linked to food (as an expression of territory), and identify the people who protect this heritage.falsecheckbox/

Q7abDefend biological and cultural diversitySupport and promote those who preserve biodiversity and act as caretakers of local territories; those who use agroecological techniques and sustainable animal farming practices that respect animal welfare; those who manage the resources of the oceans, rivers, and lakes without overexploiting them; those who promote an agricultural model that can stop the spread of monocultures and intensive farming, as well as the concentration of power in just a few hands.falsecheckbox/

Q7acDefend biological and cultural diversityCreate opportunities for dialogue and exchange (commercial and otherwise) between those who work to bring food from “farm to table”, as well as with consumers.nocheckbox/

Q7baEducate, inspire and mobilize citizensDevelop communications materials and launch campaigns to increase awareness about the food system and to change behavior.|2=Design and deliver educational and training activities as well as experiences to improve knowledge about food — from production to consumption to food loss — and to impact people’s practices and choices.|3=Design and deliver educational and training activities for professionals in the food sector in order to reward those who make positive changes in food production, distribution, marketing, consumption, and waste management;falsecheckbox/

Q7bbEducate, inspire and mobilize citizensDesign and deliver educational and training activities as well as experiences to improve knowledge about food — from production to consumption to food loss — and to impact people’s practices and choices;falsecheckbox/

Q7bcEducate, inspire and mobilize citizensDesign and deliver educational and training activities for professionals in the food sector in order to reward those who make positive changes in food production, distribution, marketing, consumption, and waste management.falsecheckbox/

Q7caInfluence policies in the public and private sectorsInfluence public institutions and the private business sector at every level in order to create policies and models that support fair and regenerative systems of production, distribution, marketing, consumption, and management of food loss;falsecheckbox/

Q7cbInfluence policies in the public and private sectorsInform, involve, and mobilize individuals and communities to become advocates for the necessary transition to fair and sustainable policies;falsecheckbox/

Q7ccInfluence policies in the public and private sectorsCreate alliances with others who are fighting for similar goals.falsecheckbox/

Q7dIt's hard for us to relate what we do with the actions described above. We mainly focus our action onfalse[1=Influence public institutions and the private business sector at every level in order to create policies and models that support fair and regenerative systems of production, distribution, marketing, consumption, and management of food loss;|2=Inform, involve, and mobilize individuals and communities to become advocates for the necessary transition to fair and sustainable policies;|3=Create alliances with others who are fighting for similar goals;|4=Other (please specify)|]id;falsetextarea

Q8How many actions has your group organised in the past 12 months?false[1=Photos|2=videos|3=logo templates|4=social media templates|5=other (please specify)|]id;falseIndicate an estimate numbertext

Q9How many people did you reach through your grassroots projects/activities in the overall?false[1=Photos|2=videos|3=logo templates|4=social media templates|5=other (please specify)|]id;falseIndicate the estimated number of people involvedtext

Q101What was the specific target of your events?Farmers & Food producersfalsecheckbox;

Q102What was the specific target of your events?Childrenfalsecheckbox;

Q103What was the specific target of your events?Familiesfalsecheckbox;

Q104What was the specific target of your events?Youthfalsecheckbox;

Q105What was the specific target of your events?Citizens and wider publicfalsecheckbox;

Q106What was the specific target of your events?Womenfalsecheckbox;

Q107What was the specific target of your events?Indigenous Peoples and Afrodescendantfalsecheckbox;

Q108What was the specific target of your events?Migrantsfalsecheckbox;

Q109What was the specific target of your events?Cooksfalsecheckbox;

Q1010What was the specific target of your events?Teachers and/or schoolsfalsecheckbox;

Q1011What was the specific target of your events?Academics and/or universities/higher educationfalsecheckbox;

Q1012What was the specific target of your events?Politicians, public institutionsfalsecheckbox;

Q1013What was the specific target of your events?Private companiesfalsecheckbox;

Q1014What was the specific target of your events?Other, please specifycheckbox;

Q11Did you collaborate with other organisationsQ9Are you a member of the Slow Food Youth Network?true[2=No|1=Yes|]id;falseIf yes, please specifyradio_group

Q11:1Q11aShow fieldQ11

!Q11:1Q11aHide fieldQ11

Q11:1 AND Q11a:[empty]Specify answer OtherValidation ruleQ11

Q11aPlease, specify:false[]textarea

Q12Did the media talk about your activitytrue[2=No|1=Yes|]id;falseIf yes, please specifyradio_group

Q12:1Q12aShow fieldQ12

!Q12:1Q12aHide fieldQ12

Q9:1Q9aShow fieldQ9

!Q9:1Q9aHide fieldQ9

Q9:1 AND Q9aQ12:1 AND Q12a:[empty]Specify answer OtherValidation ruleQ12Q9

Q12aQ9aPlease, specify:false[]textarea

Q13aMore farmers and producers are interested and economically incentivated in producing good, clean and fair foodQ10Do you participate in a Slow Food programme or project? Please describefalse[1=Definitely notPhotos|2=Probably notvideos|3=Probably yeslogo templates|4=Definitely yes=social media templates|5=other (please specify)|]id;falseradio_group

Q13bMore consumers are more aware and ready to choose good, clean and fair foodfalse[1=Definitely not|2=Probably not|3=Probably yes|4=Definitely yes|]id;falseradio_group


Q11Do you promote any Slow Food theme or campaign? Please describetrue[2=No|1=Yes|]id;falsetextareatrue

Q12Have you attended any Slow Food event?false[1=Yes|2=NoQ13cMore businesses support good, clean and fair foodfalse[1=Definitely not|2=Probably not|3=Probably yes|4=Definitely yes|]id;falseradio_groupQ13dMore institutions support good, clean and fair food systemstrue

Q13Please describe in which area you carried out the activities in your community in the last yearfalse[1=Definitely notPhotos|2=Probably notvideos|3=Probably yeslogo templates|4=Definitely yes|]id;falseradio_groupQ14Have you observed other changes?true[2=No|1=Yessocial media templates|5=other (please specify)|]id;falseIf yes, please specifyradio_group

Q14:1Q14aShow fieldQ14

!Q14:1Q14aHide fieldQ14

Q14:1 AND Q14a:[empty]Specify answer OtherValidation ruleQ14

Q14aPlease, specify:false[]textarea


Q14Do you know the Slow Food strategic document called "The Call to Action"?false[1=Yes|2=NoQ15What lessons have you learned? (from Slow Food and others)false[3=Chapter/Convivia|5=Event|1=International|4=Project|2=Regional|]id;falsetextarearadio_grouptrue

Q16Summarise how we as Slow Food have contributed to achieving the changes madeQ15Please describe the activity/ies that you would like to carry out with your community after this capacity building, based on the Pillar of Biodiversityfalse[3=Chapter/Convivia|5=Event|1=International|4=Project|2=Regional|]id;falsetextareatrue

Q17Share a success story > Choose a good exampleQ16Please indicate any other information you consider important for your applicationfalse[3=Chapter/Convivia|5=Event|1=International|4=Project|2=Regional|]id;falseShare with us a good example that happened with your community/convivia to that Slow Food made the difference in your territory. Please describe it in 300 words max.textarea

Q18aWe have connected food producers with consumersfalse[1=We attempted and succeeded|2=We attempted but did not succeed|3=Because of the conditions, it was too difficult to even try|]id;falseradio_group

Q18bWe have taught our community new ways to self-produce food on their own premisesfalse[1=We attempted and succeeded|2=We attempted but did not succeed|3=Because of the condidtions, it was too difficult to even try|]id;falseradio_group

Q18c We have delivered food to the most in needfalse[1=We attempted and succeeded|2=We attempted but did not succeed|3=Because of the conditions, it was too difficult to even try|]id;falseradio_group

Q18dWe have delivered training(s) to other Slow Food Communities/Convivia or other organisationsfalse[1=We attempted and succeeded|2=We attempted but did not succeed|3=Because of the conditions, it was too difficult to even try|]id;falseradio_group

Q18eWe have successfully highlighted to the media and the public how the pandemic was negatively affecting the local food systemfalse[1=We attempted and succeeded|2=We attempted but did not succeed|3=Because of the conditions, it was too difficult to even try|]id;falseradio_group

Q19Were there other waystrue[2=No|1=Yes|]id;falseIf yes, please specifyradio_group

Q19:1Q19bShow fieldQ19

!Q19:1Q19bHide fieldQ19

Q19:1 AND Q19b:[empty]Specify answer OtherValidation ruleQ19

Q19bPlease, specify:false[]textarea

Q20aWe have received concrete solidarity support from the Slow Food networkfalse[2=Somewhat|3=Helpful|4=Essential|1=Not at all|]id;falseradio_group

Q20b We have been inspired by other convivia/communities to engage in new and innovative actions to support farmers and the most in needfalse[2=Somewhat|3=Helpful|4=Essential|1=Not at all|]id;falseradio_group

Q20cWe have been connected to like-minded people, shared experiences and attended online trainingsfalse[2=Somewhat|3=Helpful|4=Essential|1=Not at all|]id;falseradio_group

Q21Were there other waystrue[2=No|1=Yes|]id;falseIf yes, please specifyradio_group

Q21:1Q21bShow fieldQ21

!Q21:1Q21bHide fieldQ21

Q21:1 AND Q21b:[empty]Specify answer OtherValidation ruleQ21

Q21bPlease, specify:false[]textarea

Q221Where did you find Slow Food International most supportive in achieving your goalsIncreased visibility and communicationfalsecheckbox;

Q222Where did you find Slow Food International most supportive in achieving your goalsSupport when dealing with public institutionsfalsecheckbox;

Q223Where did you find Slow Food International most supportive in achieving your goalsCapacity building on fundraisingfalsecheckbox;

Q224Where did you find Slow Food International most supportive in achieving your goalsMaterials and tools providedfalsecheckbox;

Q225Where did you find Slow Food International most supportive in achieving your goalsKnowledge & contents providedfalsecheckbox;

Q226Where did you find Slow Food International most supportive in achieving your goalsNetworking with like-minded people with similar problems and goalsfalsecheckbox;

Q227Where did you find Slow Food International most supportive in achieving your goalsConnections with key expertsfalsecheckbox;

Q228Where did you find Slow Food International most supportive in achieving your goalsCapacity building and training of our members and leadersfalsecheckbox;

Q229Where did you find Slow Food International most supportive in achieving your goalsNew market opportunitiesfalsecheckbox;

Q220Where did you find Slow Food International most supportive in achieving your goalsOther, please specifyfalsecheckbox;

Q22bOther, please specifyfalse[]textarea

Q231Where do you need more help from Slow Food International to better achieve your goalsIncreased visibilityfalsecheckbox;

Q232Where do you need more help from Slow Food International to better achieve your goalsInstitutional supportfalsecheckbox;

Q233Where do you need more help from Slow Food International to better achieve your goalsCapacity building on fundraisingfalsecheckbox;

Q234Where do you need more help from Slow Food International to better achieve your goalsMaterials and tools providedfalsecheckbox;

Q235Where do you need more help from Slow Food International to better achieve your goalsKnowledge & contents providedfalsecheckbox;

Q236Where do you need more help from Slow Food International to better achieve your goalsNetworking with like-minded people with similar problems and goalsfalsecheckbox;

Q237Where do you need more help from Slow Food International to better achieve your goalsConnections with key expertsfalsecheckbox;

Q238Where do you need more help from Slow Food International to better achieve your goalsCapacity building and training of our members and leadersfalsecheckbox;

Q239Where do you need more help from Slow Food International to better achieve your goalsNew market opportunitiesfalsecheckbox;

Q230Where do you need more help from Slow Food International to better achieve your goalsOther, please specifyfalsecheckbox;

Q23bOther, please specifyfalse[]textarea

InformativaInformativaInformativa privacy OKcheckboxtrue