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ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations Control
registrationMessageGrazie per le tue risposte
confirmationMessageGrazie per le tue risposte

#c22522#ffffff2#c22522Evaluate the impact SF initiatives have had on youWould you describe yourself as a?Avalie o impacto que as iniciativas do SF tiveram em você

Descreve-se como um:


Are you a member of
É um membro do Slow Food?
Have you attended other
Esteve presente em outros eventos Slow Food
events since
desde o Terra Madre 2020

If yes, please specify the kind of event:Q3atruetrue

If yes, were these events:Q3btruetrue

Are you more or less likely to attend other Slow Food events
Está mais ou menos inclinado para estar presente em outros eventos da Slow Food?


How would you assess your knowledge of Slow Food and its objectives
Como avaliaria o seu conhecimento da Slow Food e dos seus objectivos?


Has your level of knowledge of Slow Food and its work changed further since attending
O seu nível de conhecimento da Slow Food e do seu trabalho mudou desde que esteve presente no Terra Madre 2020-2021?


Do you support the Slow Food organisation more or less since attending Terra Madre 2020-2021
Desde que participou no evento Terra Madre 2020-2021, apoia mais ou menos a Slow Food?


















What would make you more likely to make positive changes?


What other factors have influenced your food habits in the last year? (Tick all that apply
O que o faria ter mais probabilidades de fazer mudanças positivas?


Que outros factores influenciaram os seus hábitos alimentares no último ano? (Assinale todos os que se aplicam)





How might Slow Food make its approach to influencing behaviour change more effective?


Are you interested in attending Terra Madre 2022 in some form
Como poderia a abordagem da Slow Food ser mais eficaz para influenciar a sua mudança de comportamento? Que actividades deveriam ser priorizadas?


Está interessado em assistir ao Terra Madre 2022 de alguma forma?






#c22522#ffffff2#c22522Política de privacidade

Os dados pessoais contidos no formulário são tratados em conformidade com a GDPR e de acordo com a política de privacidade que o responsável pelo tratamento dos dados disponibilizou no link, no que se refere especificamente ao capítulo "Recipients of newsletters and commercial, promotional and sales-oriented communications".

Ao preencher e enviar este formulário declara que leu e compreendeu a política de privacidade e que não se opõe ao processamento previsto na mesma.

Per proseguire è necessario accettare l'informativa sull'utilizzo dei dati personali Informativatrue Ler e aceitar *

Thank you for your answersObrigado por suas respostas!

ConfiForms Form Definition

Q1 Would you describe yourself as a?

1 Consumer

2 Food Producer

3 Policy maker

Working with food in other ways such as chef, technician, journalist, etc.

Q1Categoriafalse[1=Consumer|2=Food Producer|3=Policy maker|4=Working with food in other ways such as chef, technician, journalist, etc.|]radio_group

Q2 Are you a member of Slow Food?

1 Yes

2 No


Q3 Have you attended other Slow Food events since Terra Madre 2020-2021?

1 Yes

2 No


Q3a (Se sì a Q3) If yes, please specify the kind of event:



International (e.g. Terra Madre)

Q3:1Q3aShow fieldQ3true

Q3:1 AND Q3a:[empty]Specifica la tua risposta, per favoreValidation ruleQ3

Q3aTipo di eventofalse[1=Local/Community|2=Regional/National|3=International (e.g. Terra Madre)|]select

Q3b (Se sì a Q3) If yes, were these events:

In person


Hybrid (mix of online and in person)

Q3:1Q3bShow fieldQ3true

Q3:1 AND Q3b:[empty]Specifica la tua risposta, per favoreValidation ruleQ3

Q3bTipo di eventofalse[1=In person|2=Online|3=Hybrid (mix of online and in person)|]select

Q4 Are you more or less likely to attend other Slow Food events?

1 Yes

2 No

3 I don't know

Q4Parteciperai ad altri eventi?false[1=Yes|2=No|3=I don't know|]radio_group

Q5 How would you assess your knowledge of Slow Food and its objectives?

I know nothing

I have some general knowledge from reading/internet

I have good knowledge through participation in a small number of activities, e.g., petitions

I have extensive knowledge through engagement in a large number of activities, membership, etc.

Q5Conoscenza SFfalse[1=I know nothing|2=I have some general knowledge from reading/internet|3=I have good knowledge through participation in a small number of activities, e.g., petitions|4=I have extensive knowledge through engagement in a large number of activities, membership, etc.|]Choose the option that is closest to youselect

Q6 Has your level of knowledge of Slow Food and its work changed further since attending Terra Madre 2020-2021?

1 Yes

2 No

Q6Conoscenza SF post TM2020-2021false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

Q7 Do you support the Slow Food organisation more or less since attending Terra Madre 2020-2021?

More / Less

Q7Favore SFfalse[1=More|2=Less|]radio_group

Q8 Sulla base delle risposte alla Q1

1 Consumer Q8a

        Q8a Would you say that your experience at Terra Madre 2020-2021 has influenced you to change your eating habits more generally?

        1 Yes

        2 No

        Q1:1Q8aShow fieldQ1true

        Q8aWould you say that your experience at Terra Madre 2020-2021 has influenced you to change your eating habits more generally?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

                Q8a1 What changes did you make immediately? (Se la risposta è sì per 8a)

                Q8a:1Q8a1Show fieldQ8atrue

                Q8a1What changes did you make immediately?false[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

                Q8a2 Why did you make no changes? (Se no in Q8a)

                Q8a:2Q8a2Show fieldQ8atrue

                Q8a2Why did you make no changes?false[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

                Q8a1bis  Are there further changes you intend to make? (Se la risposta è sì per 8a)

                Q8a:1Q8a1bisShow fieldQ8atrue

                Q8a1bisAre there further changes you intend to make?false[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

2 Food producer Q8b

        Q8b Would you say that your experience at Terra Madre 2020-2021 events has influenced you to change your food production habits?

        1 Yes

        2 No

        Q1:2Q8bShow fieldQ1true

        Q8bWould you say that your experience at Terra Madre 2020-2021 events has influenced you to change your food production habits?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

                Q8b1 What changes did you make immediately?(Se la risposta è sì per 8a)

                Q8b:1Q8b1Show fieldQ8btrue

                Q8b1What changes did you make immediately? false[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

                Q8b2 Why did you make no changes? (Se no in Q8a)

                Q8b:2Q8b2Show fieldQ8btrue

                Q8b2Why did you make no changes?false[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

                Q8b1bis Are there further changes you intend to make? (Se la risposta è sì per 8a)

                Q8b:1Q8b1bisShow fieldQ8btrue

                Q8b1bisAre there further changes you intend to make?false[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

3 Policy maker Q8c

        Q8c Would you say that your experience at Terra Madre 2020-2021 has influenced you to change your approach to food policies?

        1 Yes

        2 No

        Q1:3Q8cShow fieldQ1true

        Q8cWould you say that your experience at Terra Madre 2020-2021 has influenced you to change your approach to food policies?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

                Q8c1 What changes did you make immediately? (Se la risposta è sì per 8a)

                Q8c:1Q8c1Show fieldQ8ctrue

                Q8c1What changes did you make immediately? false[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

                Q8c2 Why did you make no changes? (Se no in Q8a)

                Q8c:2Q8c2Show fieldQ8ctrue

                Q8c2Why did you make no changes?false[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

                Q8c1bis Are there further changes you intend to make? (Se la risposta è sì per 8a)

                Q8c:1Q8c1bisShow fieldQ8ctrue

                Q8c1bisAre there further changes you intend to make?false[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

4 Working with food in other ways such as chef, technician, journalist, etc... Q8d

        Q8d Would you say that your experience at at Terra Madre 2020-2021 has influenced you to change your approach to your food-related work?

        1 Yes

        2 No

        Q1:4Q8dShow fieldQ1true

        Q8dWould you say that your experience at at Terra Madre 2020-2021 has influenced you to change your approach to your food-related work?false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

                Q8d1 What changes did you make immediately? (Se la risposta è sì per 8a)

                Q8d:1Q8d1Show fieldQ8dtrue

                Q8d1What changes did you make immediately? false[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

                Q8d2 Why did you make no changes? (Se no in Q8a)

                Q8d:2Q8d2Show fieldQ8dtrue

                Q8d2Why did you make no changes?false[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

                Q8d1bis Are there further changes you intend to make? (Se la risposta è sì per 8a)

                Q8d:1Q8d1bisShow fieldQ8dtrue

                Q8d1bisAre there further changes you intend to make?false[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

Q9 What would make you more likely to make positive changes?

Q9Cambiamenti positivitrue[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

Q10 What other factors have influenced your food habits in the last year? (Tick all that apply)

1) Slow Food campaigns (online)

2) Slow Food campaigns (offline)

3) Other NGO campaigns – please identify, if you can  Q10a

4) Other Retailer/Producer-led campaign – please identify if you can Q10b

5) General Media

6) Other (please specify) Q10c

Q10Altri fattorifalse[1=Slow Food campaigns (online)|2=Slow Food campaigns (offline)|3=Other NGO campaigns|4=Other Retailer/Producer-led campaign|5=General Media|6=Other|]checkbox_group

Q10:3Q10aShow fieldQ10true

Q10:3 AND Q10a:[empty]Please specifyValidation ruleQ10

Q10aPlease identify, if you canfalse[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

Q10:4Q10bShow fieldQ10true

Q10:4 AND Q10b:[empty]Please specifyValidation ruleQ10

Q10bPlease identify, if you canfalse[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

Q10:6Q10cShow fieldQ10true

Q10:6 AND Q10c:[empty]Specifica la tua risposta, per favoreValidation ruleQ10

Q10cPlease specifyfalse[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

Q11 How might Slow Food make its approach to influencing behaviour change more effective?

Q11Come potrebbe essere più efficace Slow Food nell’incoraggiare un cambiamento di abitudini?true[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

Q12 Are you interested in attending Terra Madre 2022 in some form?

1) Yes, at a physical event in my area

2) Yes, but only online

3) Yes, both physical events and online

4) No

5) Maybe

Q12Sei interessato a partecipare a Terra Madre 2022 in qualche modo?true[1=Yes, at a physical event in my area|2=Yes, but only online|3=Yes, both physical events and online|4=No|5=Maybe|]select

Q12a (If yes to Q12) What are your reasons for wanting to attend? (Tick all that apply)

1) Interest in food issues

2) To buy good, clean and fair food products

3) Networking

4) Business opportunities

5) Other (specificare) Q12aa

Q12:1 OR Q12:2 OR Q12:3Q12aShow fieldQ12true

Q12aWhat are your reasons for wanting to attend? (Tick all that apply)false[1=Interest in food issues|2=To buy good, clean and fair food products|3=Networking|4=Business opportunities|5=Other|]select

Q12a:5Q12aaShow fieldQ12atrue

Q12a:5 AND Q12aa:[empty]Please specifyValidation ruleQ12a

Q12aaPlease specifyfalse[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea

Q12b (If no to 12) Why not? 

  • I don’t have time

  • I’m no longer interested in Slow Food

  • Fear of Covid-19

  • I’ve already been: not interested in repeating the experience

  • I’m already attending other food-related events

  • Other, please specify Q12bb

Q12:4Q12bShow fieldQ12true

Q12bWhy not?false[1=I don’t have time|2=I’m no longer interested in Slow Food|3=Fear of Covid-19|4=I’ve already been: not interested in repeating the experience|5=I’m already attending other food-related events|6=Other|]select

Q12b:6Q12bbShow fieldQ12btrue

Q12b:6 AND Q12bb:[empty]Please specifyValidation ruleQ12a

Q12bbPlease specifyfalse[1=Sì|2=No|]textarea


InformativaInformativaInformativa privacy OKcheckboxtrue