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The Spain you least expect: Vanesa Bustos’s Valencian “threads of God”

Live online: January 29 at 12 noon
Book by January 22 2022 

Not many people know that Spain shares Italy’s pasta tradition: fideua (literally “threads of God”), the word used in Valencia for a pasta shape similar to spaghetti, derives from the Arabic fidaws, meaning “hair”. It recurs in Sardinian tradition as findèos (also filindeu, filindeus and filindeos) and in Genoa as fideus. In this lesson, Vanesa Busos of the Slow Food Chefs’ Alliance will teach you how to make a recipe from Valencia that unites our different cultures.

Event financed by the European Union. The contents of this event are the sole responsibility of the author and the CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
A few days before the lesson, you will receive online:
  • The link to login to the workshop
  • the list of ingredients

La España que no te esperas: los hilos de Dios valencianos de Vanesa Bustos

Directo online: 29 de enero a las 12
Reserva antes del 22 de enero de 2022 

Pocos saben que España comparte con Italia la tradición de la producción de pasta: la palabra fideuá se utiliza en Valencia para denominar una pasta parecida a los espaguetis; puede relacionarse con el término árabe fidaws, que significa cabello, también la encontramos en la tradición sarda findèos (Filindeu, filindeus, filindeos) y en la palabra genovesa fideus. En esta clase con Vanesa Bustos, cocinera de la Alianza de Slow Food, aprenderemos una receta valenciana que une nuestras culturas.

Evento financiado por la Unión Europea. El contenido de este evento es responsabilidad exclusiva del autor y el CINEA no se hace responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la información contenida en el mismo.

Unos días antes de la clase, recibirás
  • el enlace para entrar al laboratorio online
  • la lista de los ingredientes

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ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations Control
registrationMessageThanks for the time dedicated to the survey! We will process all surveys and you will find a dedicated analysis in our next annual report
#000000#ffffff#B20000Global call

Did you appreciate the space of the global call?Name / Nombre*



What has been useful / Whas has been less useful? 


Do you think it could work to have learning call (as the one we organized in 2021) and informative one (on big topics such as thematic network, events, ...)? 



Is the timing fine for you?  


Suggestions and ideas 



Surname / Apellido*


E-mail / Correo electrónico* 

Q3Thanks for your support! We’re going to evaluate this survey and share the calendar for 2022 as soon as possible 
Eleonora, Nico, Anna and the rest of the team

#000000#ffffff#000000Privacy policy

The personal data contained in the form are processed in compliance with the GDPR and in accordance with the privacy policy that the data controller has made available to the link By filling in and sending this form you declare that you have read and understood the privacy policy and that you do not object to the processing provided for therein.

Per proseguire è necessario accettare l'informativa sull'utilizzo dei dati personali Informativatrue Read and accepted  *

ConfiForms Form Definition
lockedMessageSorry, the survey was ended!
readonlyAfterRegistrationMessageIt seesm you have already filled in this survey. Please, write to to communicate eventual changes.

Name / Nombre*

Did you appreciate the space of the global call?

Q1Did you appreciate the space of the global call?Q1Name / Nombrefalse[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptexttrue

If yes explain why

Q1:1Q2Show fieldQ1true

Q1:1 AND Q2:[empty]Specify answerValidation ruleQ1

Surname / Apellido*

Q2Why?Q2Surname / Apellido*false[1=Yes|2=No|]Please, explain whytextarea

What has been useful / Whas has been less useful? 

Q3What has been useful / Whas has been less useful? false[1=Yes|2=No|]textareatrue

Do you think it could work to have learning call (as the one we organized in 2021) and informative one (on big topics such as thematic network, events, ...)?

Q4Do you think it could work to have learning call (as the one we organized in 2021) and informative one (on big topics such as thematic network, events, ...)? false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

If yes which are the topics more relevant for you

Q4:1Q5Show fieldQ4true

Q4:1 AND Q5:[empty]Specify answerValidation ruleQ4

Q5Which are the topics more relevant for you?false[1=Yes|2=No|]which are the topics more relevant for youtextareatrue

Is the timing fine for you?  


E-mail / Correo electrónico* 

Q6Is the timing fine for you? Q3E-mail / Correo electrónico* false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

Suggestions and ideas 

Q7Suggestions and ideas false[1=Yes|2=No|]Suggestions and ideas textareatrue

InformativaInformativaInformativa privacy OKcheckboxtrue