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Querid* amig* del Mercado de la Tierra!

Para organizar mejor el encuentro internacional del 2 de diciembre, le rogamos que rellene brevemente este formulario.

ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations Control
registrationMessageThanks for the time dedicated to the survey! You'll receive updates in the coming weeks
#000000#ffffff#B20000General information





What were the most significant actions carried out in your market in the last two years? Tell us about them by referring to the 3 pillars of the call to action!¿Cuáles fueron las acciones más significativas llevadas a cabo en su mercado en los últimos dos años? Háblenos de ellas haciendo referencia a los 3 ámbitos de la llamada a la acción.

Los encontrará a continuación. Puede descargar el documento completo aquí.

1. Biodiversidad: defender la diversidad biológica y culturalPlease find them here below. You can download the entire document .
1. Biodiversity: defend biological and cultural diversity


2. EducationEducación: educate, inspire e mobilize citizenseducar, inspirar y movilizar a los ciudadanos


3. Advocacy: influence policies in the public and private sectorInfluir en las políticas del sector público y privado


Thank you for your helpful cooperation, see you on 2 DecemberGracias por su valiosa colaboración, ¡nos vemos el 2 de diciembre!


#000000#ffffff#000000Privacy policy

The personal data contained in the form are processed in compliance with the GDPR and in accordance with the privacy policy that the data controller has made available to the link, with specific regard to the chapter "Recipients of newsletters and commercial, promotional and sales-oriented communications".
By filling in and sending this form you declare that you have read and understood the privacy policy and that you do not object to the processing provided for therein.

Per proseguire è necessario accettare l'informativa sull'utilizzo dei dati personali Informativatrue Read and accepted  *

ConfiForms Form Definition
lockedMessageNon si accettano più risposte


Q2Nombre y apellidos (nombre completo)false[3=Chapter/Convivia|5=Event|1=International|4=Project|2=Regional|]id;falsetexttrue

Q3Mercado de la Tierrafalse[]texttrue

Q4Biodiversidadfalse[1=Defend biological and cultural diversity|2=Educate, inspire and mobilize citizens|3=Influence policies in the public and private sectors|]id;falsetextarea

Q5Educaciónfalse[1=Defend biological and cultural diversity|2=Educate, inspire and mobilize citizens|3=Influence policies in the public and private sectors|]id;falsetextarea

Q63. Influir en las políticas de los sectores públicos y privadosfalse[1=Defend biological and cultural diversity|2=Educate, inspire and mobilize citizens|3=Influence policies in the public and private sectors|]id;falsetextarea

InformativaprivacidadInformativa privacy OKcheckboxtrue