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Thank you for participating in our survey!

Your feedback is incredibly valuable and will directly impact decisions to improve internal processes and governance policies.

We aim to create new tools that will streamline your work efforts and make it easier to focus on Slow Food's critical vision.

This survey is going out to communication teams across the Slow Food network. For the purpose of this survey we will refer to the Slow Food groups and initiatives as entity or entities.

ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations Control
registrationMessageThanks for the time dedicated to the survey! You'll receive updates in the coming weeks
#000000#ffffff#000000Who you are

What is the name of your Slow Food group (whether convivium or community)?






#000000#ffffff#000000What problem do you address?


#000000#ffffff#000000What has happened?

To solve the problem above, what is the main type of actions your group has organised in the past 12 months? Please choose 1 or more of the following objectives, from the Call to Action









#000000#ffffff#000000What has changed?

Based on your observations, what has changed (i.e. your real-world impact)?

Require a response in each row

Definitely not

Probably notProbably yesDefinitely yes
More farmers and producers are interested in producing good, clean and fair food


More consumers are more aware and ready to choose good, clean and fair food

More businesses support good, clean and fair food

More institutions support good, clean and fair food systems




#000000#ffffff#000000Covod-19 response


#000000#ffffff#000000Needs & Recommendations


#000000#ffffff#000000Privacy policy

The personal data contained in the form are processed in compliance with the GDPR and in accordance with the privacy policy that the data controller has made available to the link, with specific regard to the chapter "Recipients of newsletters and commercial, promotional and sales-oriented communications".
By filling in and sending this form you declare that you have read and understood the privacy policy and that you do not object to the processing provided for therein.

Per proseguire è necessario accettare l'informativa sull'utilizzo dei dati personali Informativatrue Read and accepted  *

ConfiForms Form Definition
lockedMessageNon si accettano più risposte

Q1Spokesperson namefalse[]texttrue

Q2Spokesperson contact emailfalse[3=Chapter/Convivia|5=Event|1=International|4=Project|2=Regional|]id;falsetexttrue


Q4How many people are part of your Slow Food Group¹?false[]¹: With the term “Group” we refer to either a Slow Food Convivium or a Slow Food Communitytextareatrue

Q5These are the 3 priorities that Slow Food has set in its Call to Action. Please rank the priorities of your Slow Food Groupfalse[1=Defend biological and cultural diversity|2=Educate, inspire and mobilize citizens|3=Influence policies in the public and private sectors|]id;false(rank the goals in order of importance)checkbox_grouptrue

Q6Tell us the main problem in the real world your group wants to addresstrue[2=No|1=Yes|]id;false(eg.: lack of contact with local food in my city; lack of food awareness from consumers, land grabbing in my region)textarea

Q7Defend biological and cultural diversityfalse[2=Support and promote those who preserve biodiversity and act as caretakers of local territories; those who use agroecological techniques and sustainable animal farming practices that respect animal welfare; those who manage the resources of the oceans, rivers, and lakes without overexploiting them; those who promote an agricultural model that can stop the spread of monocultures and intensive farming, as well as the concentration of power in just a few hands;|3=Create opportunities for dialogue and exchange (commercial and otherwise) between those who work to bring food from “farm to table”, as well as with consumers;|1=Research and catalogue the heritage of biological and cultural diversity linked to food (as an expression of territory), and identify the people who protect this heritage;|]id;falsecheckbox_groupDefend biological and cultural diversity

Q8Educate, inspire and mobilize citizensfalse[1=Develop communications materials and launch campaigns to increase awareness about the food system and to change behavior;|2=Design and deliver educational and training activities as well as experiences to improve knowledge about food — from production to consumption to food loss — and to impact people’s practices and choices;|3=Design and deliver educational and training activities for professionals in the food sector in order to reward those who make positive changes in food production, distribution, marketing, consumption, and waste management;|]id;falsecheckbox_group

Q9Influence policies in the public and private sectorsfalse[1=Influence public institutions and the private business sector at every level in order to create policies and models that support fair and regenerative systems of production, distribution, marketing, consumption, and management of food loss;|2=Inform, involve, and mobilize individuals and communities to become advocates for the necessary transition to fair and sustainable policies;|3=Create alliances with others who are fighting for similar goals;|4=Other (please specify)|]id;falsecheckbox_group

Q9:4Q9bShow fieldQ9

!Q9:4Q9bHide fieldQ9

Q9:4 AND Q9b:[empty]Specify answer OtherValidation ruleQ9


Q10How many actions has your group has organised in the past 12 months?false[1=Photos|2=videos|3=logo templates|4=social media templates|5=other (please specify)|]id;falseIndicate an estimate numbertext

Q11How many people did you reach through your grassroots projects/activities in the overall?false[1=Photos|2=videos|3=logo templates|4=social media templates|5=other (please specify)|]id;falseIndicate the estimated number of people involvedtext

Q12What was the specific target of your events?false[3=Youth|1=Farmers & Food producers|2=Children|12=Other (please add)|4=Citizens and wider public|5=Women|6=Cooks|7=Teachers and/or schools|8=Academics and/or universities/higher education|9=Indigenous peoples|10=Public institutions|11=Private companies|]id;false(multiple choice available)checkbox_group

Q12:12Q12bShow fieldQ12

!Q12:12Q12bHide fieldQ12

Q12:12 AND Q12b:[empty]Specify answer OtherValidation ruleQ12


Q19Q13Definitely notyesnocheckbox

Q20Who do you go to for design and communications approval?true[2=Once per week|1=Twice per week|3=Every two weeks|4=Once per month|5=Less than once per month|]list name and titletextarea

Q21How are you ensuring brand compliance when launching new creative for a campaign, project, or event?false[4=taking no specific action|1=Getting formal approval|2=using available brand documents and guides|3=referencing what other's have done|5=other (please specify)|]id;falsecheckbox_group

Q21:5Q21bShow fieldQ21

!Q21:5Q21bHide fieldQ21

Q21:5 AND Q21b:[empty]Specify answer OtherValidation ruleQ21


Q22How was your onboarding experience as it relates to brand and communication guidelines?false[1=Very smooth|2=Somewhat helpful|3=I didn't receive formal onboarding|]id;falseradio_group

Q23Are there any thoughts you would like to share with us that would help make your job easier and support improving the international reputation of Slow Food?false[]textarea

InformativaInformativaInformativa privacy OKcheckboxtrue