The Road to Terra Madre is a series of initiatives that showcase positive models for the transformation of our food systems. As the climate crisis, the pandemic and most recently the war in Ukraine have shown us, our current food systems are plagued by inadequacies.

The events on The Road to Terra Madre are festivals of their own, with a variety of activities planned. These will be collected on the Terra Madre website and promoted in a communication plan put together with the Slow Food team.

Remember that:

  • If the event is part of a larger program, you should insert the title of the event and the name of the wider initiative it is part of it (e.g. Terra Madre Brasil – Producers’ Market of Bahia)
  • If the event that you want to upload contains a series of different activities over the course of a day, all these details should be recorded (e.g. Terra Madre Brasil – Producers’ Market of Bahia – 10 a.m. tasting of Brazilian Presidia; 12 p.m. Workshop for children, etc.)
  • If your event requires tickets that are paid for or require registration, please specify contact information, prices and any other relevant information.

* Required

Name *

Surname *

E-mail *

Phone *

Are you a Slow Food Member? 

If yes, please indicate the name of your Community/Convivium *

Title *

Organized by *

Address *

Zip code *

City *

Country *

Nation *

Url (if it exists)

Type of event *


In presence or online? *

In which language/s *

Is your event part of a Slow Food project? If so, which one?

Is your event part of a Slow Food network? If so, which one?

Does your event deal with any of the following Slow Food themes?

Which pillars of Slow Food action does your event focus on?

Your event is an example of regeneration because... 

Link to useful materials (pictures, videos, etc.)

Upload other contents here

or send via wetransfer to

The personal data contained in the form are processed in compliance with the GDPR and in accordance with the privacy policy that the data controller has made available to the link, with specific regard to the chapter "Recipients of newsletters and commercial, promotional and sales-oriented communications".
By filling in and sending this form you declare that you have read and understood the privacy policy and that you do not object to the processing provided for therein. *

 *  Read and accepted

Titolo dell’evento *

Organizzatori dell’evento *

Indirizzo *

Cap *

Città *

Provincia *

Nazione (tendina con scelte) *

Link alla pagina evento (se ne esiste una)

Tipologia di evento (da crocettare, scelta multipla) *

Descrizione dell’evento *

Si tratta di un evento fisico o di un evento digitale/online? *

In quale lingua(e) si svolgerà il tuo evento (da crocettare, scelta multipla) *

Specifica se il tuo evento è collegato a un progetto Slow Food

Specifica se il tuo evento è collegato ad uno dei seguenti network

Specifica se il tuo evento è collegato ad uno dei seguenti temi

Specifica a quale dei tre pilastri della Call to Action contribuisce l'evento:

Il tuo evento è un esempio di rigenerazione perché…

Link con maggiori informazioni sull'evento (grafiche, foto, video).

È possibile inviare ulteriore materiale qui

oppure utilizza Wetransfer, inviando il tutto a

Thanks, your event hai ben registered.

Scroll to read your answers.

Name *

Surname *

E-mail *

Phone *

Are you a Slow Food Member? 

If yes, please indicate the name of your Community/Convivium *

Title *

Organized by *

Address *

Zip code *

City *

Country *

Nation *

Url (if it exists)

Type of event *


In presence or online? *

In which language/s *

Is your event part of a Slow Food project? If so, which one?

Is your event part of a Slow Food network? If so, which one?

Does your event deal with any of the following Slow Food themes?

Which pillars of Slow Food action does your event focus on?

Your event is an example of regeneration because... 

Link to useful materials (pictures, videos, etc.)

Upload other contents here

or send via wetransfer to

Slow Food Staff